Awakened and Aligned


Oh my goodness…. Where to begin? I have been so blessed to have known my sister all of her life (with me being the elder one). ☺ My mom’s pregnancy and birth with my sister was a miracle in itself. Mom had just recovered from polio when she conceived and gave birth to Tammy, and she had also just gone through a baptism of “Love” as she had come to know her precious Savior. Tammy was filled with God’s Spirit of Love as our mother carried her through this time. She has lived out her life immersed in the love of her beloved Papa God… and few people I have known that have had such an intimate connection with her beloved Bridegroom. She has a message that is sorely needed by those who know God and for those still seeking Him. As I have read through this manuscript, I became aware of what an honor and privilege it was to read through my siste r’s “journaling” and the intimacy of her thoughts, as the Lord met with her and shared with her the treasures of His heart. I walked with Tammy as she was experiencing many of the things that she has written about here but hearing them from the deep places of her time with the Lord has been bringing them to whole different level…. Deeper and higher….. And even though these were her journaling’s of several years back and brought forward to the time of the writing of this book, they are so very relevant to what our loving Papa God is wanting to speak to His beloved in this day and at this time. The orchestration in His timings of unfolding and releasing She was born for such a time as this…..


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