Awakened and Aligned

loving God, the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the life and power of Holy Spirit.

This structure not only keeps people out of the Kingdom of God, but also keeps the Kingdom of God out of people. (Matthew 23:13)

Relationship on the other hand...

We were created for relationship. This is Father’s perfect design and how His Kingdom and His government operates.

It requires more to invest in relationship than it does to live in a box, but relationship is where the life is!

Frankly, nothing else will matter in light of eternity. Love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor (anyone on planet earth) as yourself…how about, more than we love ourselves? There is a place where there are no walls that imprison, no confines of religious tradition that makes the Word of God of no effect (Mark 7:6-13) , where possibilities are limitless, and man is free from his own striving (in other words, pride!) This place of freedom, life, rest, and empowerment of grace is found in relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord. He fills us with the glory of His light, and we live fully awake in His love...our supernaturally natural place of being! (Acts 17:28 29, Ephesians 5:8-16)

He gave everything to secure this place for us in Him.


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