Awakened and Aligned

Love pays no attention to a suffered wrong and doesn’t demand its own rights. This Love is patient and kind, forgiving and forbearing. This Love is the Wisdom of God and has caused us to triumph beyond all that the enemy has meant for our destruction . This Love is the highest order that will cause blind eyes to see, deaf ears to hear, and set the prisoner free. This Love has come to give us abundant life. This Love will always and forever be the most excellent way.

(1Corinthians 13) (James 3:13-18)

OUT of the BOX

A box of any size is confining to the contents.

It is when the contents are taken out of the box that there is potential of its purpose.

Normally, the argument is that a box will keep the contents safe…safe yes, if the only thing one intends to do is put it in storage. ( “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;" Matthew 6:19) To me, just the word “box” implies entrapment, captivity, lost hope, a dead end or a dying inside… The system of religion imposed by man is one of those boxes. (There are many boxes that take different forms; fear, shame, unforgiveness, the right to be right, knowledge for knowledge sake, worldly wisdom, just to name a few. But for this comparison, we are looking at the box of religious systems.) It is a box made up of agendas and traditions of men that lulls people to sleep in t he confines of it’s stagnant comfort. It is a system that operates independently of a holy,


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