Awakened and Aligned

casts out all fear. What have we to fear when we are hid with Christ in our Father? Right in the center of Perfect Love!! NOTHING can harm us here! This place in Him is absolute freedom…


Regardless of what a person does or doesn’t do for u s (or against us), when our identity and fulfillment is sourced in this Perfect Love, He will protect us and cause us to rise above the momentary hurt into a freedom like we have never known. We can walk out this overcoming life of Love that is not depende nt on man’s actions, and freely extend our Father’s love, following in the footsteps of our Lord and King. (Luke 23:13-34) Responding in love even when there is no one else around to hear is a safeguard and a life- line…for our own hearts hear. (Psalm 4:20-27)

Offense is a fence that keeps others out, even God. Forgiveness tears down the fence and releases our hearts from condemnation. (1 John 3:21-24)

We don’t love others based on what they can do for us, or how they benefit us…that’s usury, not love.

If we wait for others to act in love towards us before we will extend love…is the love of the Father truly in us?

Pure love gives with no strings attached.


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