Awakened and Aligned

it is a holy love that doesn’t change…it is faithful and eternal. (1 John 4:7-19)

When we expect human love to be for us what only God’s love can be for us, we will be continually disappointed, frustrated, and always wanting…never content or satisfied. When we look to another person(s) to meet this eternal need in us, we have replaced the all-sufficient God of our lives with an idol.

An idol has no power to save us; it is a misplaced trust in a false god.

The BEAUTY of ABSOLUTE trust and dependency on God, is that it will cause our other relationships to flourish in His design. When the pressure to perform is removed (because we are already accepted in the Beloved), each of us can be who our Father has created us to be, and function in unity under the Headship of Jesus Christ. Whatever the relationship(s), when we LET GO of needing to be in control and allow Holy Spirit to have His way, it is always so incredible to see the glorious tapestry He weaves, the healing He brings, and the beauty He creates. This nurtures a place of safety, transparency, and accountability.

Control is rooted in fear.

When we have a revelation of the love of Christ that surpasses our carnal knowledge, we begin to understand this love that has been implanted in our hearts. We become rooted and established in Love, instead of fear. This Perfect Love literally


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