Awakened and Aligned
It is a place of operating in wisdom, discernment, and understanding what the LORD’S will is.
• It is standing in the fear of the Lord and aligning our hearts with His. • It is not being led by the fear of man (this caused King Saul to be stripped of his authority). • It is being as wise as a serpent and as innocent as a dove. • It is choosing our words carefully and intentionally. • It is not giving ourselves to idle words and gossip. • It is praying without ceasing. • It is releasing forgiveness. • It is responding with Truth in Love (Not pride, nor an incomplete human kind of love, but a divine holy love. This is agape.) • [Take a look…agápē typically refers to divine love (= what God prefers). agapáō – properly, to prefer, to love; i.e. embracing God's will (choosing His choices) and obeying them through His power. agapáō preeminently refers to what God prefers as He "is love"] • It is being His light in the world. • It is being His salt in the earth that creates hunger in the hearts of men to know the Truth that makes them free.
Real authority doesn’t seek its own but seeks to serve another.
Real authority is founded in righteousness, not in pride.
Real authority promotes life, truth, and justice.
We need to be careful HOW we stand…unless we fall.
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