Awakened and Aligned

We were created for such a time as this…and what an unparalleled hour it is. The earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. This creation will be liberated from the bondage of corruption and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God. (Romans 8:19-21) So, when the Father tells us to “stand up straight,” we will, and our hearts and feet will be freed to run in the purpose He has called us to in this new season.

We will not miss our appointed time.

What is your posture?

HOW We Stand

Real authority is a trademark of true humility.

This may seem like foolishness to man, but it is the wisdom of God in Christ Jesus that has overcome the world for us.

God has established that the meek will inherit the earth. To be meek doesn’t mean that we don’t make a stand, it is HOW we stand that will determine what He can entrust to us. HOW we respond in word or action to the hate and evil around us will determine the outcome of victory and influence for righteousness. HOW we stand should always be redemptive in nature, for it’s not our Father’s wi ll that one would perish. HOW we stand should reflect the heart of our Father as His mature sons and daughters.


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