Awaken The Dawn
The Eternal Intercession
prayed especially for you [Peter] that your [own] faith may not fail; and when you yourself have turned again, strengthen and establish your brethren.
Satan suddenly appears as an adversary to Jesus’ disci- ples, particularly Simon Peter. Jesus, aware of happenings in the spiritual realm, is clearly alert to this hostile desire to take over His followers and submit them to such severe trial and testing that their faith and constancy will be destroyed. Jesus becomes the advocate of His followers, particularly praying for Peter. This concept of Satan desiring to put the disciples to the test is reminiscent of the opening chapters of the book of Job. In order to understand how Jesus prayed for Peter and how He presently prays for the Church, it is impor- tant to know the story of poor, tormented Job. Behind the narrative of a pathetic, desperately ill man is a spiritual story that confounds the mind. Job’s trials and sickness were not from his own foolishness or lack of faith, but the result of spiritual forces locked in a war of cosmic proportions. God in His infinite wisdom allowed Satan to present his own devious, diabolical requests. As Satan rambles across the earth, he seeks to wreak havoc in the lives of human beings, particularly on those who serve the living God. Hence, dutifully serving the Lord, Job was unaware that a plot against him was brewing in the spiritual realm which could mean his total destruc- tion. This report was given in the Book of Job, and when linked to how Jesus prayed in Luke’s Gospel, gives us amazing insight in understanding life, and how to pray effectively.
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