2024 Our Lady of Fatima Commemorative Book
The Tim Cleary Family Memories of Fr. Madanat Dear Fr. Madanat: In the four years you have spent at Our Lady of Fatima, you have touched our lives and hearts in ways it is difficult to articulate. It has been an honor to be able to have you with us in our home apart from your pastoral duties; and Tim and I will with fondness forever remember the times we provided your transportation to/from the airport or train station. Thank you for your attention to Jeannine’s spiritual needs. We have seen her growth in this area these past four years, and strongly believe that it is because of your presence in her life. For myself, I deeply appreciate your openness in sharing your sermons for the FOOF class, your assessments of my choices for bulletin cover pictures, your counsel and corrections, and I suspect as well that you have been doing penances for me. I thank you for that. I guess you have done all you can do for us , which has been so very much. The Lord says it is time for you to take on a new challenge – to care for the souls of those He has called to serve Him in religious life. If you serve them half as well as you have us, they will be blessed indeed. (Just watch out for the popcorn). Please know that you will always remain in our daily prayers and remembered in our Rosaries and the Masses we attend. ~Tim and Barbara Cleary
Kevin serving Mass for you. Such as grace. Jeannine captures a photo of you with Kevin in our home after Christmas Mass.
Jeannine with Peter Byrne before he moved home to Australia.
Tim’s father/Joan’s spouse, Joe, before his death. Tim with our dear friend, Kay Bird, before her death. You prepared them for death, and said the Requiem Mass for Joe in February, and Kay in March 2022.
You with Our Special Soul (and your friend), Jeannine.
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