Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends

✓ What is my personal attitude toward the congregation at this time? The pastor? The leadership? ✓ Is there any bitterness or lack of forgiveness in my spirit that might taint the word that is to be given? ✓ Is this word consistent with what God has been saying to the Church in this season? In this service? ✓ What seems to be the best time, place and context for this word to be given? Public setting? Private setting? ✓ What is the tone in which this word should be spoken? ✓ What is the manner in which the word is to be given? Orally to the pastor? Orally to the congregation? In writing to the pastor? Prophesied, exhorted or prayed? ✓ Is this the type of word that the pastor should be aware of before it is given to the congregation? ✓ Am I overstepping my authority in this congregation to give a word of this nature? ✓ Will this word put the pastor and leadership on the spot in front of the congregation? Am I painting myself or anyone else in a corner with this word? ✓ Am I using prophecy to bring a rebuke that I feel is needed, to speak my mind concerning the program or the vision of the church, or to get a major concern that I have off of my chest? ✓ Am I willing to allow this word of mine to be judged by others without feeling like everyone must agree with my personal analysis of it? ✓ Am I willing not to give this word if the leadership of the church feels that it is inappropriate? ✓ If this is a personal word for an individual, am I willing to request the presence of an appropriate person to listen to and judge this word?


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