Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
More Books By Bill Scheidler
In Next Steps 2.0 the goal is for us to consistently move on to maturity in our walk with Christ. Here in Next Steps 3.0 , our goal is to discover our life purpose and place of ministry that God has designed set for us in the Body of Christ. It is clear from the word of God that we are all fashioned by God with a purpose in mind. We have been given gifts, talents and abilities that are not just for ourselves, but they have been given to us so that our lives can be a blessing to others. God has a plan for our life that includes our being an instrument in God’s hands to extend His kingdom here on earth and to align with His eternal purpose that was established from the foundation of the world. Working through this book will help you to discover your destiny. Order At: 1-866-260-956 n
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