Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
Chapter 8 The Challenge of Balance
Most of the difficult areas in life relating to discernment do not necessarily have to do with deciding between right and wrong. It often has to do with discerning between the good, the better or the best. It often has to do with discerning between how much emphasis should be placed on one thing as opposed to another.
The Importance of Balance
Some people react to the word “balance” because they feel that too much emphasis on it means that we never try new things or never really go anywhere. They see it as a word that inspires being overly cautious to the point where everything new is bad and the old is always better. The truth is that we could never walk unless we were willing to be out of balance a good portions of the time. Walking involves a shifting of one’s weight from balance to out of balance and back to balance again. When walking it is important to always come back to a place of balance or we risk tripping up or falling. That is something that is never to be desired. Balance is important when it comes to the success of the church. The truth is, balance is important in every area of life. God is a God of balance. All of God’s creation speaks of balance. The human body is perhaps the best demonstration
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