Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends
need for a personal relationship with God and the purpose for which all healing is to take place, and that is to become a disciplined army of God, advancing with the sword of the Spirit to reclaim territory lost to the devil (the church is an army, not a comfort station, a boot camp not a summer camp). 4. This means that while the church should not be living in the Dark Ages in its “look” and approach to society, lines must be drawn when the Bible clearly addresses issues of morality, separation from worldliness, and our position in this world as strangers and pilgrims. This challenge for church leaders is real. We do not want to become so irrelevant that we cannot reach the current generation for Christ, but we do not want to become so acceptable to the current generation that we miss the whole point of our existence in the first place. Every leader needs to ask for God’s wisdom and the help of the Holy Spirit to find that balance for the sake of the harvest.
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