Watchout For WOLVES: Keys To Discerning Authentic Ministries & Evaluating Doctrinal Trends

Current Societal Trends

While all of these current trends are not as significant in every nation of the world, because of the global nature of the modern world community, there is a gradual infiltration of these forces in all but the most primitive of cultures.

1. Changing definitions of the family

Because of the gay rights movement and the acceptance of alternative lifestyles, because of the astronomical rise in the divorce rate, because of the number of people choosing to co-habit without marriage, because of the number of single parent homes, the definition of the family is changing from God’s definition of the family promoted in the Bible. Because of the women’s liberation movements which have produced an increase of abortion on demand, high percentages of women in the work force, the rise of day care for children and high levels of gender sensitivity there has been a change in the roles of men and women from that which is promoted in the Bible. In today’s world it is ludicrous to speak of wives submitting to husbands. Some of this has been caused by the absentee or renegade father who has not handled the spiritual leadership of his home well.

2. Changing definition of male and female roles

3. Changing in fields of science and medicine

Changes in these fields have created many ethical issues that did not exist in biblical times. Things like genetic engineering, artificial insemination, cloning, ultrasound, transplants, and cosmetic surgery (to name a few) has brought new challenges to church leaders.


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