The Time Is Now - Developing A Lifestyle Of Prayer

Step 15 Maintain a cumulative fifteen minutes of prayer each day. Keep meeting weekly with your prayer partner.

Set aside one continuous hour for prayer some time during the week, and choose another day when you will pray for a cumulative horn� either as a continuous session or broken up into smaller portions throughout the day. Prayerfully review your previous week's goal list, and decide on any new goals you want to pursue.

Step 16 Pray a cumulative twenty minutes each day. Keep meeting weekly with your prayer partner.

Set aside one continuous hour for prayer some time during the week, and choose another day when you will pray for a cumulative hour, either as a continuous session or broken up into smaller portions throughout the day. Prayerfully review your previous week's goal list, and decide on any new goals you want to pursue. Step 17 Pray a cumulative thirty minutes each day. Keep meeting weekly with your prayer partner. Set aside one continuous hour for prayer some time during the week, and choose another day when you will pray for a cumulative hour. Prayerfully review your previous week's goal list, and decide on any new goals you want to pursue. If you've found yourself making sporadic progress up to this point, you may choose to maintain this level of prayer commitment for several weeks or months before advancing to Step 18 and beyond. Step 18 On the following scale, indicate the level of your current motivation to pray. Have you changed since Step 12? Even if you haven't, accept yourself, and move on .

Motivation to Pray











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