The Strand Study Bible
GENESIS GENESIS and positioned in certain geological locations, but it cannot be controlled. Only the possessor can preside over His possessions. * Moses had nothing when he entered Egypt, yet he and the nation of Israel left with great wealth (Exo 11:1-3 & 12:35-36 and Deut 6:6-12). By the time of Moses (c. 1448 BC), the world’s wealth and beauty was predominately concentrated in Egypt and up into the Palestine area (Num 13:25-27). Interestingly enough, whenever God decides to give a portion of this world’s wealth to someone, he normally takes it from the Devil’s crowd. The world’s holdings may be gathered and placed in certain geological locations, but it cannot be controlled. Only the possessor can preside over His possessions. * The nation of Israel had no land, for the Devil’s crowd rested on the riches of Canaan (Josh 24:12-13). The Devil and his crowd may accumulate this world’s wealth for its own purposes, but in the end neither he nor his crowd can control it. The world’s riches may be collected and sited in certain geological locations, but it cannot be controlled. Only the possessor can preside over His possessions. According to the Bible, God controls it all because He owns it all. And, if indeed, He possesses it all and presides over it all, wouldn’t it make sense to become His steward? 5. Divine economics is all about being wise enough to be God’s accountant ( Lk 12 :35- 42a -48) Elmer Towns in Tithing is Christian notes: 91
Tithing is good business. When you tithe you go into business with God. He becomes your partner. It isn’t 50-50 or even 90-10. God owns all in your life and you are allowed to give ten percent back to Him. God promises to “pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Mal 3:10). The money we give to God is not lost. We will see it again. 3
6. Divine economics is all about being faithful to God and God alone ( I Cor 4:1 -2) 7. Divine economics is bestowed upon those who place God’s Word above everything else : - above self Don’t let yourself keep you from giving to others (II Cor 8:1-5). Don’t let yourself keep you from having pity on the poor (Prov 19:17).
Don’t let yourself keep you from helping the poor (Prov 22:9). Don’t let yourself keep you from giving to the poor (Prov 28:27). Don’t let yourself take advantage of the poor (Exo 22:25-27). - above wealth Don’t let your wealth keep you from getting saved (Mt 19:16-26). Don’t let your wealth keep you from laying up treasures in Heaven (Mt 6:19-33). Don’t let your wealth keep you from helping others (Acts 11:27-30). - above health Don’t let your health (or, lack thereof ) keep you from prospering spiritually (III Jn 1-2), and thus helping others financially (III Jn 5-8, II Ki 7:1-10,16 and Lk 12:13-16-21-34). - above logic Don’t let your logic keep you from obeying God’s Word (Exo 3:21-22 & 12:35-36 & 16:4-5). Don’t let your logic keep you from giving God what’s His (Exo 13:2,12-13,15). Don’t let your logic keep you from tithing (Exo 22:29-30 & 23:16,19 & 34:26, Lev 27:30-34, Deut 12:5-7,17-18 & 14:22,27 & 15:19-22 & 26:1-11 and Neh 10:34-39 & 12:44). Unfortunately, tithing appears to make little “cents” to many of God’s people. Don’t let your logic keep you from caring for God’s ministers (Num 18:20-26, Mt 10:1-10/Lk 10:1-7, Rom 15:25-27, I Cor 9:1-14, I Tim 5:17-18 and Gal 6:6). Not only are we to “care” for the ministers of God through the yearly tithe, we are to make sure God’s ministers feel “cared for” through the Year of Tithing” (Deut 14:27-29 & 26:8-14). To neglect them is to discourage them (II Chro 31:2-4 and Neh 13:7-14). Don’t let your logic keep you from experiencing God’s divine economic program (Prov 3:9-10 & 11:24-25, Mal 3:7-10, Lk 6:38, II Cor 9:6-8). - above pity Don’t let your pity for others or yourself keep you from following God’s expressed will for your life (Prov 6:1 & 11:15 & 17:18 & 22:26-27, I Tim 5:3-16, II Cor 11:7-9 & 12:13 and I Cor 6:1-8) God’s people must be careful not to become liable for the financial obligations of others (Prov 6:1-3). The church must be careful not to become responsible for the financial obligations of widows (I Tim 5:3-16). Preachers must be careful to preach the entire counsel of God (II Tim 4:2 and II Cor 11:7-9 & 12:13). Christians must be careful not to mar God’s name (I Cor 6:1-8). - above conventional thinking Don’t let your conventional thinking keep you from giving God what’s yours (Exo 25:1-3 & 35:4-5,21-29 and I Cor 16:1-2). Tithing makes little “cents” to most people. Why would anyone want to give 10% of their hard earned money to support people who say they minister for God (Num 18:20-26, I Tim 5:17-18, Gal 6:6 and MALACHI “MINI” SERIES)? Because God’s ministers become discouraged if not supported (II Chro 31:2-4 and Neh 13:7-14).
1 Stern, David H. Complete Jewish Bible , Clarksville, MD: Jewish New Testament Pub. 1998. Print. 2 Gibbs, Joe. Game Plan for Life , Carol Stream, ILL, Tyndale House Pub., 2009. Print. 3 Towns, Elmer. Tithing is Christian , Lynchburg, VA, Church Growth Institute, 1985. Print.
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