The Strand Study Bible




According to Psalm 47:7, it’s not the therapeutic feeling from singing the songs that we should desire, but the message (doctrine) within the music. Bob Kauflin in Music Matters notes: On Sundays God wants us to do more than sing songs together and have wonderful worship experiences. He wants to knit the fabric of our lives together. For many, church has become all about me – what I’m learning, what I’m seeking, what I’m desperate for, what I need, how I’ve been affected, what I can do. We see ourselves as isolated individuals all seeking personal encounters with God, wherever we can find them. Sadly, this reflects our individualistic, me-obsessed culture. Rather than seeing ourselves as part of a worship community, we become worship consumers. We want worship on demand, served up in our time, and with our own music. 8 If we are to be scriptural, the message within the music must always speak louder than the music itself. Kauflin goes on to note: …being moved emotionally is different from being changed spiritually. Music affects and helps us in many ways, but it doesn’t replace truth about God. Kauflin adds: 2. The purpose of spiritual music The purpose of spiritual music (why we sing) is sevenfold: (1) It should humble us (Psa 34:1-2 and I Ki 21:29 ) Singing for God, even for a moment, helps us to takes the focus off our self-absorbed lives and put it on God where it belongs. (2) It should unite us (Mt 26:30/Mk 14:26) Jonathan Edwards once noted: The best, most beautiful, and most perfect way that we have of expressing a sweet concord of mind to each other, is by music. When I would form in my mind an idea of a society in the highest degree happy, I think of them as expressing their love, their joy, and the inward concord and harmony and spiritual beauty of their souls by sweetly singing to each other. 10 (3) It should cause us to remember God’s Word (Exo 15 and Judg 5:1-12) Martin Luther once noted: Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given that he should proclaim the Word of God through music. 11 (4) It should remind us of who God is ( Psa 145:2 ) (5) It should help us to remember what God has done, what He is doing, and what He will ultimately do for us (6) It should build anticipation for Heaven ( Acts 16: 16- 25 ) (7) It should help us to become more like Jesus (Zeph 3:15-17) Jesus sang (Psa 22:22/Heb 2:12). We should too. Those believers who refuse to take part in the song services of the church are not being like Jesus. Martin Luther notes: 3. The affect of spiritual music on the believer Music that is spiritual produces: (1) joy ; (2) thankfulness ; and (3) living for others (Eph 5:18-22). 4:22 This is the first time iron is mentioned in the Bible. Iron making did not become an everyday process till c. 1200 BC. 4:23 Whereas Cain murdered his brother in anger, Lamech killed a man in self-defense ( to my wounding ). 4:25 Seth’s name means “appointed (Gen 4:25); compensation; sprout.” He is referred to 1 time in the NT (Lk 3:38). Seth is the 63rd generation from CHRIST . 4:26 Enos ’ name means “mortal; fatal.” He is referred to 1 time in the NT (Lk 3:38). Enos is the 62nd generation from CHRIST. 1 The Interpreter’s Bible , Nashville, TN, Parthenon Press, 1952. Print. 2 Rimmer, Harry. A Scientist’s Viewpoint of the Virgin Birth , Los Angeles, CA: Research Science Bureau Inc. 1925. Print. 3 Crick, Francis. Life Itself , New York, NY: Simon & Schuster. 1981. Print. 4 Koop, C. Everett quote Biblical worship involves proclamation and leads to proclaiming God’s truth with our lives. We’re doing more than emoting or having a ‘worship experience.’ We’re declaring why God is so great, what he has accomplish-ed, and all that he has promised. We all need to be reminded, and proclamation helps us remember. 9 A person who does not regard music as a marvelous creation of God must be a clodhopper indeed and does not deserve to be called a human being; he should be permitted to hear nothing but the braying of asses and the grunting of hogs. 11

5 Capon, Robert Farrar. The Parables of Judgment , Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans Pub., 1989. Print. 6 Sabiers, Karl G. Where Are The Dead? , Los Angeles, CA, Robertson Publishing Co., 1938.Print.

7 Alcorn, Randy. Heaven , Carol Stream, Ill., Tyndale, 2004. Print. 8 Kauflin, Bob. Music Matters , Wheaton, ILL, Crossway, 2008. Print. 9 Kauflin, Bob. quote –

10 Jonathan Edwards quote (Public Domain) 11 Luther, Martin quote (Public Domain)

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