The Strand Study Bible

O utside of the doctrine of salvation, 1 which came to us via great LIGHT, 2 every other theological subject is, at best, clouded. Meaning: TheWord of God can appear to us at times in dark speeches ( ICor 13:12 andNum12:7-8). Paul explains that our knowledge here and now is but a blur 3 compared to what it will be when CHRIST returns. The Corinthian, who saw only darkly and in part through the exercise of the gifts, were not to glory in that which was fragmentary. Those who look to the rest of theology to provide absolutes will come to one of two conclusions: 1. Dogmatism (irresponsible dishonesty) Dogmatism is the selfish art of fooling one’s self into seeing absolutes where they don’t exist. 2. Skepticism (intellectual honesty, void of cynicism) Intellectual honesty means we can come to an informed decision about “secondary doctrines” not related to salvation, but ultimately must acknowledge that the issues may be too clouded to allow for absolute certainty. Honest skepticism allows for flexibility and cooperation with other believers within the body of CHRIST with whom we may disagree with concerning “non-heaven and hell issues.” The admission of uncertainty concerning theology not related to salvation can be unsettling, yes, but at least it’s honest. Louis Paul Lehman in Questions I Had to Settle notes: A minister learns respect for the question mark as the fisherman learns respect for the hook. Not everyone has the same questions, but everyone has some question. Not everyone with the same question will be satisfied with the same answer. 4 W hen it comes to secondary doctrines (non-heaven and hell issues), Christians can, yea will, differ. William E. Anderson in Rapture? Sure… but when? notes: How can any sincere and studious Christian be wrong about anything? Why could Peter and Paul have differed so as is reported in Galatians chapter two? How could the differences between Paul and John Mark have become so contentious that a fellowship crisis in that early missionary team was produced? How can there be so many diverse denominations today? How can two Christian luminaries such as John Calvin and John Wesley differ so radically about how God saves men, one being “Calvinist” and the other “Arminian”? Christians differ. 5 And the reason Christians can, yea will, differ on subjects not related to salvation is because knowledge here and now is in part ; it is but a blur compared to what it will be when CHRIST returns. 1 Gen 49:18 , Exo 14:13,30-31 , Psa 74:12 , Jonah 2:9 , Hab 1:5 , Mt 7:13-14 , Lk 7:50 , Jn 4:14 & 5:29 & 6:28-29 , Rom 13:11 , Titus 3:5a and Heb 6:1c 2 Gen 1:3 b, Lk 2:30-32 & 18:34 and Jn 1: 3- 5 3 Deut 29:29 4 Lehman, Louis Paul. Questions I Had to Settle , Grand Rapids, MI, Lamp-Lighter Prod., 1965. Print. 5 Anderson, William E. Rapture? Sure… but when? , Holiday, FLA, Green Key Books, 2003. Print.


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