The Strand Study Bible
golden age for themselves, nor will they destroy the planet. The future is in the capable hands of Almighty God. 37 1:28e Why earth and not some other planet in some other solar system? Why remake this “planet” ( Gen 1:2c ) and then place a second creation upon it, called man? The answer is found in Ezekiel 28:11-15. 1:29 Man’s first diet ( meat ) consisted of fruits and vegetables. Only after the Flood did man begin to eat flesh (Gen 9:2-4). 1:30 Green is the first color ever mentioned in the Bible, and for good reason. Scientists tell us that the color green is one ofthe most pleasant colors in the spectrum ( Gen 1:4 ). Why do you think God landscaped much of the earth in green ? Dr. Harry Rimmer in Modern Science and the Genesis Record notes:
Even in the color of grass the benevolence of the Creator is seen. It is a known fact that certain colors have very marked effects upon the psychological reactions of the human being. Red is a color that irritates the entire nervous system, but green has the opposite effect. It is the most soothing color in the spectrum. The man who is surrounded by soft shades of green is apt to be mentally calm, even-tempered, and able to control his nervous reactions better than the man who is subject to the harsher influences of some other colors. 38
NOTE - Color was created the day God divided the light from the darkness back in Genesis 1:4. Colors are merely rays of light material traveling at a different vibration, or a different speed. Chemically speaking, all color is the same. It is just light divided differently. Color consists of the rejection, by a physical property, of the light rays whose frequency gives the illusion of the color discarded. For example, a red rose is every color but red, the rejected “color” being the only one visible to the human eye. Depending upon the chemical basis of the object and its power to reflect a certain frequency, all the light rays will be absorbed except the “color” that is reflected. God Almighty created the human eye to embrace only that section of the spectrum that is composed of the red to violet keys. All other colors (yea, frequencies) are invisible to the naked eye. That is why we can’t see radio, microwave and infrared waves on the low frequency side and ultra violet, x-ray and gamma ray waves on the high frequency side. 1:31 Everything God had made during the first week of creation was good (Gen 1:4,10,12,18,21,25), that is, until the end of the sixth day. Then He noted that it was “ very good .” Why? Because everything God made, He made just for man. When you look at the sun, you see the power of God. When you look at the moon, you see the beauty of God. When you look in the mirrow, however, you should see the best of God. He did ( and, behold, it was very good )! 1 Rimmer, Harry. The Theory of Evolution and the facts of Science . Grand Rapids, MI: WM. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1935. Print. 2 De Haan II, M.R. Dinosaurs &The Bible , Grand Rapids, MI, RBC Ministries, 2001. Print. 3 Rimmer, Harry. That LAWSUIT Against the BIBLE . Grand Rapids, MI: WM. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1956. Print. 4 Pink, Arthur W. Gleanings in Genesis , Chicago, ILL: Moody Press. 1922. Print. 5 Tim Chaffey and Jason Lisle. Old-Earth Creationism on Trial: The Verdict is In, Green Forest, AR: Master Books. 2008. Print. 6 The Net Bible. Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. 2005. Print. 7 Ham, Ken. The Revised & Expanded Answer Book . Green Forest, AR: Master Books. 1990. Print. 8 Martin, Jobe. The Evolution of a Creationist . Rockwall, TX: Biblical Discipleship Pub.. 1994. Print. 9 Chaffey, Tim. God Means What He Says , Midwest Apologetics, 2008. Print. 10 Riegle, David D. Creation or Evolution? , Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 1962. Print. 11 Clarke, Adam. Clarke’s Commentary (VOL. I, Gen–Jos) , New York, NY, B. Waugh and T. Mason, 1833. Print. 12 Stone, Nathan J. Names Of God , Chicago, ILL, Moody Press, 1944. Print. 13 Elwell, Walter A. Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic. 1984. 2001. Print. 14 Carroll, B.H. Romans , Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House. 1948. Print. 15 Smith, William M. Bible History of World Government , Westfield, IN: Union Bible Seminary, Inc. 1940-1955. Print. 16 McGee, J. Vernon. Thru the Bible Commentary: The Law (Genesis 1-15) . Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson. 1991. Electronic. 17 Evans, William. The Great Doctrines of the Bible , Chicago, ILL, Moody Press, 1912. Print. 18 Boyd, Greg. God of the Possible , Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2000. Print. 19 Todd Friel, host of “ Wretched ” on Family Net (Sept. 2009) 20 James R. Spillman and Steven M. Spillman. Breaking the Treasure Code . Travelers Rest, SC: True Potential Pub. 1981. Print. 21 Evans, Tony. Kingdom Agenda (Pulpit Series) 22 John A. Garraty and Peter Gay. The Columbia History of the World . New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Print. 23 Strandberg, Todd. “The Pretribulation Rapture”. N.s.
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