The Strand Study Bible




redeem sinful mankind – Gen 5:1b )… in chronological order. NOTE - The SAVIOR (first day – pre-existing Light ) brought salvation (second day – water ), by way of a resurrected (third day – botany ) physical body ( fourth day – sun becoming visible ) (I Cor 15:12-22). There can’t be a “resurrection” (third day) without a body ( fourth day ). 1:20 The fifth day in the Mosaic account of creation is all about law defying “sea creatures and birds.” Whereas the first day of creation is all about the pre-existing light (depicting the pre-existing SAVIOR ) and the second day is all about water (depicting the SAVIOR’S salvation) and the third day is all about botany (depicting the SAVIOR’S resurrection) and the fourth day is all about the physical sun becoming visible (depicting the SAVIOR’S physical entrance into the world), the fifth day is all about law defying “fish and fowl” (depicting man’s resurrection via the SAVIOR’S ). Just as birds defy the law of gravity and are said to “swim” through the air and fish defy the law of gravity and are said to “fly” through the water, so man will one day defy the law of gravity and “rise again.” According to I Corinthians 15:20-24, man’s resurrection (fifth day) is based on CHRIST’S resurrection (third day). NOTE - This statement: “ Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life ” is a poor translation of the original Hebrew and in no way suggests that the water produced or generated life the way evolutionists theorize it did. A better rendering of the original Hebrew reads this way, “ Let the waters swarm with swarms of living creatures …” While it is true that the lowest forms of life are water dwellers, it is not true that all life proceeded from water. Evolutionists who draw their unwarranted conclusions concerning the origin of life from these low forms within water ignore the fact that God created other things from the ground, not water ( Gen 1:11 & 2:7a ). 1:21 Whereas the first four days of creation (starting with Genesis 1:2) are records of “reassembly” (the releasing from restraint of certain materials that were created at an earlier time - Gen 1:1c ), the fifth day of creation marks the second appearance in the first chapter of Genesis of the word “ created ” bah-rah . Bah-rah , as you recall, is “ the instant, miraculous creation of something which had no previous existence in any form whatsoever ” (Heb 11:3). Both sea creatures ( Hab 1:14 and Mt 17:27 ) and birds ( Lk 12:6 ) were instantly created ( bah-rah ) on the fifth day to depict man, who was instantly created ( bah-rah ) on the sixth day, and who (like fish and fowl) is destined to “rise above the law of gravity.” Daniel said in Daniel 12:2: And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt . Jesus reiterated what Daniel said and told mankind in John 5:28-29: NOTE – Just as fish and fowl are equally equipped to resist the law of gravity, and able to live by their very nature in the environments which tolerate men for only brief hours, and then often exact the death penalty for his intrusion, so one day all men will “defy gravity” and float above its law in what is called the “resurrection.” 1:24a The sixth day in the Mosaic account of creation is all about zoology ( living creatures ). Whereas the first day of creation is all about the pre-existing light (depicting the pre-existing SAVIOR ) and the second day is all about water (depicting the SAVIOR’S salvation) and the third day is all about botany (depicting the SAVIOR’S resurrection) and the fourth day is all about the physical sun becoming visible (depicting the SAVIOR’S physical entrance into the world) and the fifth day is all about law defying sea creatures and birds (depicting man’s resurrection in light of the SAVIOR’S ), the sixth day is all about the beasts of the earth (depicting the promise of grace via the Gospel of CHRIST ). NOTE - The work of redemption bought and paid for by Jesus ( Gen 22:8a ) is foreshadowed for us through these beasts, cattle, and creeping things. Consider the following living creatures and how God used them to depict the promise of grace via the Gospel of CHRIST in His plan to redeem us: *ram (beast; sheep/lamb – Lev 16:5 and Jn 1:29 ) *goat (beast – Lev 16:5,27, Jn 1:29 and Heb 13:11-12 ) *heifer (cattle; bullock/ox – Lev 16:6,27, Num 19 and Heb 13:11-12 ) *serpent (creeping thing – Num 21:9 and Jn 3:14-15 & 12:32 ) Amazingly, the animal creation here, which also includes the slithering serpent, preaches the promise of grace via the Gospel of CHRIST with eternal and forceful eloquence. 1:24b God stated a law here that makes the theory of evolution and reincarnation impossible. The expression “ after his kind ” recognizes the fact that, while there may be mutation within a given “kind” (called, microevolution), there is no transmutation (apes evolving into man) between the “kinds” (called, macroevolution). There are no “missing” links to explain the jump from ape to man. Change can only take place within a “kind.” Even science cannot by research establish that which never was, and since the higher forms most decidedly did not evolve from the lower, no bridge can span the gap that is as wide as eternity. NOTE - The study of biology is a fairly accurate science. It is only in the interpretation of the facts observed that secular biologists cease to be scientific. Among the observed phenomena, which recur with such frequency as to be accepted biological laws, there is the strange fixity of species. Between every two species there is a line of demarcation that is fixed, blocked, and unalterable. The crossing of that line to produce subsequent and higher species by evolution would be an act of transmutation. This has never been observed in the process of occurring, nor has it been demonstrated by acceptable evidence to have occurred in time past. The real problem with evolution is that it offers no explanation of how life began, but begins with life already here, and seeks to show how it changed from simple forms into higher orders. Amazingly, Moses displays here a remarkable knowledge of two basic laws of biology: 1. Whenever living creatures give birth or rise to another living creature, it is always a creature “after his kind” There may be (and often are) variations of that kind, such as a difference in color, modified stature, or some such minor detail, Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation .

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