The Strand Study Bible
chance while at the same time claiming that the majority of the fossil record was created by a single flood event. Many of the forces that created the Earth’s wealth of the fossil layers are unrelated to any type of flood activity. 23
Though differences of opinion amongst good men exists for various doctrinal issues within Christianity, few seem to be more divisive than controversies surrounding the days of creation and the age of the earth. However, concerning salvation and the Christian faith, there are only five fundamentals to which Christians must all agree (Rom 14:1a ). Understanding creation is not one of them. John R. Rice in Genesis notes: Let all people remember that Christ and salvation by faith in His atoning blood are the real themes of all the Bible . 24 As Christians, we should not pridefully stir dissention among other believers who differ with us on “non-Heaven and Hell issues.” Contrary to what some may think, the Gospel is not the Creation/Gospel. The Gospel is not about the origins of the earth, and has nothing to do with one”s understanding of creation . The Gospel (Good News) is the understanding of who CHRIST is and what He did for us on Calvary. Unfortunately, there will always be inflexible believers who make it their goal to harm the reputation of other believers who differ with them on “secondary doctrines,” not related to salvation. Is it no wonder the world, when viewing dissention amongst Christians who fight each other over “secondary doctrines,” makes light of Christianity? Atheist Dan Barker (Freedom From Religion Foundation, Inc.), in Nontract No. 5 entitled Confused? notes: Because some Christians fail to love one another due to their differences on issues not related to salvation, the world ends up missing the CHRIST in Christianity , and begins to view God and His Word with much contempt. Jesus said in John 13:34-35: A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another . 1:2d This word ( deep ) is the Hebrew word tehom and comes from a root word signifying “ confusion ” or “ disturbance .” 1:2e Though the SPIRIT OF GOD (third person of the Triune Godhead) is best known for His appearance at Pentecost (Acts 2:4), HE made His “grand” entrance here ( I Cor 2:11b & 3:16 & 12:11 and Eph 4:30 ). 1:3a The first day in the Mosaic account of creation speaks volumes concerning the pre-existing CHRIST ( Lk 24:27 ). Starting with the first verse of the very first chapter of Genesis, which uses the plural name for God ( Elohim ) with a singular verb, indicating the plurality and nature of God as a Trinity, and ending with the last chapter of Malachi, truths concerning CHRIST , as to who He is, what He’s done, and what He’s going to do, abound everywhere. The first three words of verse 3 - “And God said…” tell us plenty about CHRIST . God’s Word tells us that God chose to reveal and explain Himself through His Word, whether spoken (Gen 2:16-17 and Exo 20:22), written (Exo 31:18), or LIVING (Jesus Himself - Jn 1:1,14 and Heb 1:3 ). Hebrews 1:1-2 says: God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets (that is, through the spoken and written Word), Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his SON (that is, through the LIVING WORD ), whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds ; Whether spoken, written, or LIVING , once you’ve met the WORD CHRIST , you’ve met God (John 1:1,14). NOTE - One word of caution, however, must be addressed. Just because you know Jesus (Savior) doesn’t mean Jesus (Savior) knows you (Acts 19:11-16 and Mt 7:21-23). In order for the Savior to know you, you must do the will of the Father. And His will, according to John 6:38-40 and Matthew 12:47-50, is to understand the Gospel of CHRIST and be saved. The question is not, “Do you know the Word?” but rather, “Does the WORD ( CHRIST ) know you (Jn 10:27 and Acts 19:13 )?” 1:3b This word ( light ) is the Hebrew word ohr . Ohr is not a created light, but a pre-existing light that was allowed to reveal itself in order to dispel the darkness that came upon the world due to its upheaval and collapse in verse two. The light of the first day ( ohr ) is different than the luminary lights of the fourth day found in verses 14-16. The Hebrew word for the luminary lights (the stars and our sun) of the fourth day is the word mah-ohr . Unlike ohr (pre-existing light), mah-ohr was created to illustrate to the world that the pre-existing light would one day present itself in a physical form. The moment God allowed this pre-existing light ( ohr ) to enlighten the dark and chaotic world of verse two, He was informing its future inhabitants about the coming of the Lord JESUS CHRIST (the true pre-existing LIGHT ). John said of Jesus in John 1:3-4: Paul said, “God is not the author of confusion,” (I Cor. 14:33), yet never has a book produced more confusion than the bible! There are hundreds of denominations and sects, all using the “inspired Scriptures” to prove their conflicting doctrines. Why do trained theologians differ? Why do educated translators disagree over Greek and Hebrew meanings? Why all the confusion? Shouldn’t a “divinely inspired” document be as clear as possible? 25
All things were made by Him ( JESUS ) ; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him was life; and the life was the LIGHT of men . And the LIGHT shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not .
NOTE - Whether pre-existing ( ohr ) or created ( mah-ohr ), light depicts CHRIST perfectly. Light, according to science, is both spiritual and physical. In fact, no other source can claim what light claims. On the one hand, light is physical in that it can be analyzed and measured (or even bent and/or distorted until it becomes as crooked as a corkscrew). On the other hand, light is spiritual in that it can pass through other physical objects without leaving holes to mark its passage (whenever one physical substance can pass through another physical substance leaving both unimpaired, it is certainly related to the spiritual). Scientists tell us that every other physical thing in existence is subject to some adulteration, except light. Light is so supernal in its purity
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