The Strand Study Bible
GENESIS GENESIS 1:1 c This word ( G O D ) is the Hebrew word Elohim . It is plural in number (the im ending indicates that the word is plural) and occurs over 2,500 times in the Old Testament (Gen 1:26 & 3:22 & 11:5-7 and Deut 6:4 ). Adam Clarke in Clarke’s Commentary (VOL. I, Gen–Jos) notes: 37
The original word אלהים (Elohim), God, is certainly the plural form of אל (El), or אלה (Eloah), and has long been supposed, by the most eminently learned and pious men, to imply a plurality of Persons in the Divine nature. As this plurality appears in so many parts of the sacred writings to be confined to three Persons, hence the doctrine of the TRINITY, which has formed a part of the creed of all those who have been deemed sound in the faith, from the earliest ages of Christianity. 11
Nathan Stone in Names Of God notes:
Certainly the use of this word in the plural is wonderfully consistent with that great and precious doctrine of the Trinity, and its use as already shown in the Old Testament surely must confirm that view. 12
Referring to the plurality and nature of God as a Trinity, Elohim exists as three distinct co-eternal persons called the Godhead (I Jn 5:7, Rom 1:20, Colo 2:9 and Acts 17:29). They are not three Gods; rather they are three “separate” persons, all equally God, who work as one. As believers, we do not worship three gods; we worship three different Persons who exist within one Godhead ( Jn 4:20-25 and Mt 2:1-2 and I Cor 3:16 ). The reason the three Persons of the Triune Godhead are “separate one from another” is because they each possess a “separate” personality. They each possess the three essential characteristics that make up a personality: mind (intellect): heart (emotion); and will (choice). For example, *The FATHER is a person (“separate” from the SON and the HOLY SPIRIT ) for three reasons: 1. HE is worshipped as an individual ( Jn 4:20-25 ) 2. HE communicates with the other two Persons of the Godhead as an individual ( Psa 110:1 and Rom 8:26-27 ) 3. HE possesses the three distinctive individual qualities that make up His person: mind ( Rom 11:34 ), heart ( Mt 3:17 ), will ( Mt 12:50 ). Thus, the FATHER’S active interest and participation in the affairs of men ( Jn 3:16 ) proves that He has an individual personality “separate” from the other two Persons within the Triune Godhead. *The SON is a person (“separate” from the FATHER and the HOLY SPIRIT ) for the same three reasons: 1. HE is worshipped as an individual ( Mt 2:1-2 and Jn 9:35-38 ) 2. HE communicates with the other two Persons of the Godhead as an individual ( Jn 17:1 and Rom 8:26-27 ) 3. HE possesses the three distinctive individual qualities that make up His person : mind ( Phil 2:5 ), heart ( Jn 11:35 ), will ( Mt 26:39 ). Thus, the SON’S active interest and participation in the affairs of men ( Mt 3:13-17 ) proves that He has an individual personality “separate” from the other two Persons within the Triune Godhead. *The HOLY SPIRIT is a person (“separate” from the FATHER and the SON ) for the same three reasons: 1. HE is worshipped as an individual (Jn 14:16 & 15:26 and I Cor 3:16 ) 2. HE communicates with the other two Persons of the Godhead as an individual ( Zech 2:1-4 and Rom 8:26-27 ) 3. HE possesses the three distinctive individual qualities that make up His person : mind ( I Cor 2:11 ) , heart ( Eph 4:30 ), will ( I Cor 12:11 ). Thus, the HOLY SPIRIT’S active interest and participation in the affairs of men ( Ezk 3:24-27 and Acts 10:19-20 ) proves that He has an individual personality “separate” from the other two Persons within the Triune Godhead. NOTE – According to the Evangelical Dictionary of Theology , God is one in being or essence who exists eternally in three “distinct” co-equal persons. 13 The Triune Godhead is made up of three “separate” persons (Isa 48:16, Mt 28:19, II Cor 13:14, Eph 4:4-6, I Pet 1:2 and Rev 1:4-5), and they are to be treated as “separate” persons. Not only did all three persons of the Triune Godhead have a part in creation ( Rom 1:20 b ): FATHER (Isa 42:5 and Rev 4:11), SON ( Heb 1:2,10 ) and HOLY SPIRIT ( Job 26:13 ), but they all go by the same names. For example, there are five names given to God within the first nineteen chapters of Genesis that prove His plurality and nature as a Trinity: 1. Elohim – meaning: The Mighty God ( The Supreme Being; The Mighty Three in One ) ( Gen 1:1 c ) Elohim is used in reference to: FATHER - Gen 1:28 ( Heb 4:10a ) and Psa 22:1 ( Mt 27:46 ) , SON - Gen 21:4,12 & 22:1,8, Num 21:5 (I Cor 10:9), Psa 45:6-7 (Heb 1:8-9) & 47:5-8 & 75:7 & 82:8 (Rev 19:11-16), Isa 35:4 & 44:6 & 45:21-23 (Rom 14:10-12) & 52:7 & 54:5, Mic 4:5, Zeph 3:17 and Zech 14:5,) and HOLY SPIRIT - Gen 1:2 & 41:38, Exo 31:3 & 35:31, Num 24:2, I Sam 10:10 & 11:6 & 19:20,23, II Chro 15:1 & 24:20, Job 27:3 & 33:4, Psa 22:1 ( Mt 27:46 ), and Ezk 11:24 . 2. Jehovah – meaning: The Eternal Self-Existent One ( Gen 2:4b ) Jehovah is the Eternal Self-Existent One who: provides ( Jehovah-Jireh - Gen 22:14), heals ( Jehovah-Rophe - Exo 15:26), gives the victory ( Jehovah-Nissi - Exo 17:15), sanctifies ( Jehovah-M’Kaddesh - Lev 20:7-8), gives peace ( Jehovah-Shalom - Jud 6:23-24), shepherds ( Jehovah-Rohim - Psa 23:1), is our righteousness ( Jehovah-Tsidkenu - Jere 23:1-6), is there ( Jehovah-Shammah - Ezk 48:35) and is The Lord of Hosts ( Jehovah-Sabaoth - Psa 24:10). Jehovah is used in reference to the: FATHER - Gen 12:1 (Gen 24:7), Psa 2:2 (Acts 4:25-26) & Psa110:1 (Mt 22:44), SON - Exo 3:4,14 (Jn 8:24,58) and HOLY SPIRIT - Ezk 3:22-27 & 11:5. 3. El / Elyon – meaning: The Almighty High One ( Gen 14:18 c ) El/Elyon is The Almighty High One who: (1) sees me ( El/Roi - Gen 16:13); (2) is all-sufficient ( El/Shaddai - Gen 17:1); (3) is everlasting ( El/Olam - Gen 21:33); and (4) is mighty ( El/Gibbor - Isa 10:21). El / Elyon is used in reference to the: FATHER - Hos 11:9 and Isa 47:4 , SON - Psa 102:24-27 (Heb 1:10-12) , and HOLY SPIRIT - Job 33:4. 4. Adonai – meaning: The Divine Ruler ( The Sovereign Lord ) ( Gen 15:2 ) Adonai is used in reference to the: FATHER - Isa 6:1 & 48:16, SON - Psa 68:17 & 110:5 (Mt 22:41-46) , and HOLY SPIRIT -
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