The Strand Study Bible
Lamentations (586 BC) Habakkuk (c. 607 BC)
Daniel (605-534 BC) Ezekiel (592-570 BC) Obadiah (c. 585 BC) * Under the Medo-Persian Empire (539-331 BC) came the following Old Testament books [in chronological order]: Ezra 1-6 (536-516 BC) Haggai (520 BC) Zechariah (520-518 BC) Esther (483-473 BC)
Ezra 7-10 (458-457 BC) Nehemiah (445-432 BC) Malachi (c. 425 BC) * Under the Grecian Empire (331-146 BC) came the Septuagint:
The Septuagint was a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures * Under the Roman Empire (146 BC – AD 476) came all of the New Testament books: Matthew - Revelation (2 BC – AD 96)
Revelation 17:9-11 agrees with secular history and teaches us that there were indeed 6 kings (i.e., kingdoms/mountains; world empires – vs 9) that once ruled much of the known world and that one king (i.e., kingdom/mountain; the seventh world empire; Revived Roman Empire – vs 10) was yet to come under the dictates of the Antichrist. Revelation 17:10 says: And there are seven kings (or, kingdoms/mountains, world empires – vs 9): five are fallen ( Egypt , Assyria , Babylon , Medo-Persia , and Greece ), and one ( Rome ; the sixth world empire) is, and the other ( Revived Roman Empire under the dictates of the Antichrist; the seventh world empire - Dan 7:7,19-25) is not yet come; and when he ( Revived Roman Empire under the dictates of the Antichrist; the seventh world empire ; the other ) cometh, he ( Revived Roman Empire ) must continue a short space (the first 3½ years of Daniel’s Seventieth Week - Dan 9:24-27). According to Daniel 9:24-27, the Antichrist himself will dismantle the seventh world empire ( Revived Roman Empire ) during the middle of Daniel’s Seventieth Week and set himself up as God. The eighth world empire under the Antichrist will then begin. However, it too will end 3½ years later when Jesus Christ returns at His Second Coming. The Antichrist will then be cast into Hell forever. Revelation 17:11 says: And the beast (or, Antichrist) that was, and is not, even he is the eighth (or, eighth world empire ), and is of the seven (or, seventh world empire; Revived Roman Empire ), and goeth into perdition (the lake of fire - Rev 19:20).
1 The Wall Chart of World History . Third Millennium Press Limited. 1997. Print. 2 John A. Garraty and Peter Gay. The Columbia History of the World . New York: Harper & Row, 1972. Print. 3 The Usborne Illustrated World History . Saffron Hill, London: Usborne Pub. 1987. Print. 4 Smithsonian Timelines of History . New York, NY, DK Pub. 2011. Print. 5 Halley, Henry H. Halley’s Bible Handbook: An Abbreviated Bible Commentary . Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. 1961. Print. 6 Rehwinkel, Alfred M. The Flood . Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Pub. House. 1951. Print.
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