The Strand Study Bible


44. How to prioritize your life (Prov 9:1 – Pillar #1) 45. Procrastination (Lk 19:11) 46. The promise of CHRIST is greater than the purpose of the Law (Gal 3:19b) 47. The first prophecy mentioned in Scripture (Gen 2:17b and 3:19) 48. Why the ungodly can appear to prosper (Jere 12:1) 49. How to prosper and succeed (Josh 1:8b) 50. The danger of prosperity (Jere 13:12, Prov 16:8, Deut 1:38 – point #6, Josh 1:8b, III Jn 1:2a,b and Deut 5:21/Phil 4:10-13) 51. Protevangelium of James (Lk 11:51) 52. Psalm 151 (c. 250 BC) (Lk 11:51) 53. Psalms of Solomon (c. 50 BC) (Lk 11:51) 54. Pseudepigrapha books ( extra-biblical books of the OT – Lk 11:51 and Jude 14) 55. Pseudo-Philo (c. AD 25) (Lk 11:51) 56. Psychology (I Cor 15:45 and Eccl 1:14) 57. Purgatory ? (I Cor 3:13a) 58. My fivefold purpose for writing this reference Bible (Jn 20:31) R 1. Three reasons for a Pre-tribulation Rapture (Lk 17:27-28 and I Thess 4:17a) 2. The rite of the Red Heifer (Num 19:2a) 3. God our REDE EMER (Prov 23:11) 4. Reincarnation (Gen 1:24b) 5. How to deal with rejection (Lk 6:27) 6. Relativism (Judg 21:25) 7. Two kinds of religions in the world (Mt 19:16) 8. Religiosity (Mt 11:20) 9. What the religious , the rich , and the self-righteous often have in common (Lk 17:1) 10. Ten things God commands us to remember (II Sam 6:7) 11. The doctrine of repentance (Jonah 3:5, Mt 3:2 & 27:3, Lk 17:3,4a,b & 23:34, Acts 2:38a, II Cor 7:8-9,10, I Thess 1:9 and I Jn 1:9a) 12. Baptism of repentance ? (Mk 1:4b) 13. How to respond biblically to reproof and the rod (Heb 12:5) 14. Resistance towards God always leads to a greater resistance towards you –it’s a law of God (Jere 28:10 and Exo 4:21) 15. The people of God are promised three kinds of rest (Heb 3:11) 16. Resurrections (I Ki 17:22, Job 14:15 and Mt 27:52) 17. There are three resurrections (that we know of ) of saved individuals (I Cor 15:23 and Rev 11:11-13) 18. Three reasons to appreciate the resurrection (I Jn 3:3) 19. What will our resurrected bodies be like? (I Jn 3:2 and I Cor 15:42) 20. The doctrine of rewards (Lk 14:14 and Rev 4:10)

21. Why CHRIST never promised us a life of roses free of thorns (Mt 10:16a) 22. Why Russia will desire to attack Israel during the End Times (Ezk 38:12b) S 1. The doctrine of the Sabbath (Gen 2:2, and Heb 4:10b)

2. The number of animals Israel sacrificed in one year (Num 8:12 & 28 Subject Head and Prov 8:11 - 4th benefit) 3. The doctrine of salvation (I Pet 1:10a,b, Gen 49:18, Exo 14:13,30-31, Psa 74:12, Jonah 2:9, Hab 1:5, Lk 7:50, Jn 4:14 & 5:29 & 6:28-29, Rom 13:11, Titus 3:5a and Heb 6:1c) (Seven verses religions like to use to prove that “good works” (keeping the law) is a necessary part of salvation – Mt

19:17c, Lk 10:28, Rom 7:10, Gal 3:21, Jn 5:29, Heb 12:14b and Jms 2:14a,b 4. Why “all” need salvation (Eccl 7:20, Zech 3:3, Rom 3:10,23a,b and Mt 22:11) 5. Why God did not provide a means of salvation for angels (Heb 2:16) 6. Why Christians doubt their salvation (I Jn 2:3 & 3:14 & 5:13b) 7. Why Christians shouldn’t doubt their salvation (Exo 17:6 and Num 20:11)

8. The doctrine of sanctification (I Thess 4:3,4,7) 9. The doctrine of Satan (Isa 14:12,13 and Ezk 28:14) 10. The threefold goal of Satan (Gen 3:15a) 11. The names and titles of Satan (Job 1:6) 12. Satan’s angles (Mt 4:1) 13. What are Satan’s devices? (II Cor 2:11)


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