The Strand Study Bible

WHERE TO FIND WHAT A 1. Abortion (Jere 1:5a, Exo 21:22-23, Lev 17:12, Prov 14:34, Isa 19:14 and Jn 9:3) 2. The Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis 12 Subject Head) 3. Acts of Andrew (Lk 11:51)

4. Acts of John (Lk 11:51) 5. Acts of Paul (Lk 11:51) 6. Acts of Peter (Lk 11:51) 7. Acts of Thomas (Lk 11:51) 8. Additions to Esther (Lk 11:51) 9. The first time in Scripture that one Person of the Triune Godhead personally addressed the other two as “God” (Mt 27:46 and Isa 48:14) 10. Three reasons why Christians should take pleasure in adversity (II Cor 12:10) 11. What is the age of accountability ? (Deut 1:39, I Sam 3:7,13, II Sam 12:23 and Phil 4:3) 12. How to amaze the Almighty (Mt 8:10a) 13. America in prophecy? (Isa 18:1,2) 14. The failure of America (Prov 14:34 and Isa 5:20 & 19:14) 15. The doctrine of angels (Isa 6:2 and Heb 1:14) 16. Why fallen angels can’t be saved (II Chro 5:8, Heb 2:16 and I Pet 1:12b) 17. The ANGEL OF THE LORD ( CHRIST’S preincarnate physical appearances) (Mic 5:2 and Gen 16:7) 18. Anger – just one letter short of “danger” (Prov 22:24 and Eph 4:26) 27. Apocryphon of Ezekiel (c. 1 BC) (Lk 11:51) 28. The doctrine of apologetics (Phil 1:17) 29. Apostasy (II Thess 2:3 and Heb 10:26-31) 30. Apostolic Church (began in America c. 1832) (Jn 4:24b) 31. Which Persons of the Triune Godhead appeared physically to man (Exo 33:11) 32. The armor of God (Eph 6:11) 33. Ascension of Isaiah (c. AD 150) (Lk 11:51) 34. The ascension(s) of CHRIST (Jn 20:17a and Eph 4:8a) 35. Astrology (began in Babylon c. 2243 BC – Gen 11:4) (Jere 10:2) 36. The religion of atheism (began in Greece c. 600 BC) (Exo 20:3 and Religious Note after Dan 1:21) 37. The moral and natural attributes of God (Colo 2:9, Rom 1:20b and Psa 145:2) B 1. Why you don’t throw the “ baby ” out with the bathwater (II Sam 1:17) 2. How to treat a backslidden believer (Mt 18:15 Subject Head) 3. Why bad things don’t happen to good people (Jms 5:11) 4. Who are the Banksters ? (Prov 22:7, Lk 18:8 – point #5 and Rev 13:11-17a) 5. The doctrine of baptism (Heb 6:2a) (Seven verses religions like to use to prove that baptism is a necessary part of salvation – Mk 16:16, Acts 2:38b, I Pet 3:20-21, Mk 1:4a,b, Acts 22:16a, Jn 3:5 and Titus 3:5b) 6. The Baptismal Regeneration Movement (began in America in the 1830’s) (Eph 5:19) 19. Is the teaching of annihilation scriptural? (Psa 37:9) 20. Anthropomorphisms (Exo 32:14 and Lam 3:34-35,38) 21. The doctrine of Antichrist (Dan 7:8a,b) 22. Apocalypse of Elijah (c. AD 270) (Lk 11:51) 23. Apocalypse of Paul (Lk 11:51) 24. Apocalypse of Peter (Lk 11:51) 25. Apocalypse of Zephaniah (c. 100 BC) (Lk 11:51) 26. The Apocrypha (compiled in Palestine from c. 250-50 BC) (Lk 11:51)

7. Why baptism is not a part of salvation (I Cor 1:17) 8. The baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT ? (Mt 3:11b) 9. Baptized for the dead? (I Cor 15:29) 10. Why every born-again believer ought to be baptized (Acts 2:41) 11. 1 Baruch (c. 150 BC) (Lk 11:51) 12. 4 Baruch (c. AD 130) (Lk 11:51) 13. Battling for God (I Sam 18:17b) 14. What kind of behavior is offensive to Jewish believers (Acts 15:19-20,28-29) 15. Bel and the Dragon (Lk 11:51) 16. How to become a believable believer (I Tim 4:12)


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