The Strand Study Bible

II JOHN II JOHN John states that real love is a choice, and just as God chose to love us (I Jn 4:19), so we must choose to love Him. We do this by taking His Word over our own (keeping His commandments -Jn 14:15). Agape-type love has nothing to do with feeling right about someone, and everything to do with treating that someone right (Lk 6:27). 2127

2. Agape-type love is not based on getting, but rather on giving (Jn 3:16, Lk 7:1-5 and I Cor 13:5) 3. Agape-type love is not based on attraction (what you see), but rather on attention (Rom 5:6-8) 4. Agape-type love is not based on what’s reasonable, but rather on what’s right (Rom 12:10)

NOTE - God’s type of love is an act of the will giving our attention to entirely unworthy objects, based on what’s right . Agape-type love is not about you; it’s about everyone around you. Understand what it means to put aside your feelings and live by faith and you will then begin to understand the significance behind the burnt offering, which pictured CHRIST in all His perfections, dedicating Himself voluntarily and wholly to God with joy on our behalf ( Lev 1:3a,b ). Greg Boyd in Repenting of Religion notes: Agape is a kind of love you can have when there’s nothing about the other that you like, when you have no romantic interest in the other, and even when the other is your enemy rather than your friend. 1 1:7 This word ( come ) is the Greek word HUFοPHQοQ ( erchomenon ). Erchomenon is in the present tense (continuous in action) and should be translated “ coming .” This present tense participle, not only includes the past fact of Christ’s coming in the flesh (I Jn 4:2), but also the present continuance of His risen humanity and His future manifestation at His Second Coming.

1:9 The “ doctrine of Christ ” refers to the “deity of CHRIST ;” the fact that He is God. 1:13 The “ children ” here represent local born again members of a sister church. READ NEXT - III John 1

1 Boyd, Greg. Repenting of Religion , Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2004, Print




The promise of Christ’s Second Ccoming II John 7 (c. AD 90) The promise of rewards to all who are found faithful when Christ returns II John 8 (c. AD 90)

To be fulfilled at Christ’s Second Coming Rev 19:11-21

To be fulfilled after the Rapture Rev 4:2

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