The Strand Study Bible
GENESIS “MINI” SERIES The Doctrine of God
4. Jehovah-Shalom: The Lord our Peace (Judg 6:24) 5. Jehovah-Roah: The Lord my Shepherd (Psa 23:1) 6. Jehovah-Tiskena: The Lord our Righteousness (Jere 23:6) 7. Jehovah-Shammah: The Lord is present (Ezk 48:35) 8. Jehovah-Sabaoth: The Lord of hosts (I Sam 1:3)
9. Jehovah-Maccaddeshcem: The Lord thy Sanctifier (Exo 31:13) 10. Jehovah-EI Gemuwal: The Lord God of recompense (Jere 51:56) 11. Jehovah-Naheh: The Lord that smiteth (Ezk 7:9) 12. El Elyon: God the strongest strong one (Gen 14:18 & Isa 14:13-14) 13. El Roi: God the strong one who sees (Gen 16:13) 14. El Shaddai: God Almighty (Gen 17:1-2) 15. El Olam: God the everlasting one (Isa 40:28) 16. El Gibbor: The Mighty God (Isa 9:6) God is a living being. His personality is shown by His active interest and participation in the affairs of men. For example: Lesson #4. God is a trinity (Genesis 1:1)
1. GOD THE FATHER - Mal 2:10 2. GOD THE SON - Psa 45:6-7 3. GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT - Isa 11:2
III. HIS Attributes
Lesson #5 . God’s natural attributes (Psalm 139)
1. His omniscience (All knowledge- Psa 139:1-6,17,18,23 , Jn 2:24,25 and Isa 11:2 & I Cor 2:10-11 ) 2. His omnipresence (Everywhere - Psa 139:7-12 , Mt 28:20 and Psa 139:7 & Jn 14:16-17 ) 3. His omnipotence (All power - Psa 139:13-16 , Mt 28:18 and Lk 1:35 ) 4. His eternal immutability (Never ever changes - Psa 139:24 , Heb 13:8 and Heb 9:14 )
Lesson #6. God’s moral attributes (Psalm 89)
1. His mercy ( Psa 89:1 , Titus 1:4 and Jn 14:16 ) 2. His faithfulness ( Psa 89:1 , Rev 19:11 and Jn 15:26 ) 3. His truth ( Psa 89:14 , Jn 14:6 and Jn 15:26 ) 4. His righteousness ( Psa 89:16 , Heb 1:8,9 and Rom 14:17 ) 5. His love ( Psa 89:33 , II Cor 5:14 and Gal 5:22 ) 6. His kindness ( Psa 89:33 , Jn 14:6-11 and Gal 5:22 ) 7. His holiness ( Psa 89:35 , Mk 1:24 and Mt 1:18 )
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