The Strand Study Bible



The promise to Zebulun to inherit land bordering the sea Gen 49:13 (1685 BC)

245 years later, Zebulun’s inheritance bordered on the sea Josh 19:11 (1440 BC)

Around 565 years later, God raised up Samson of the tribe of Dan to judge a part of Israel Jud 13:24,25 & 15:20 (c. 1120 BC) Around 308 years later, the tribe of Dan became very violent Josh 19:47 & Jud 18:27 (c. 1377 BC)

The promise to Dan to judge a part of Israel Gen 49:16 (1685 BC)

The promise to Dan to become a fierce tribe Gen 49:17 (1685 BC) The promise of Christ’s First Coming Gen 49:24 (1685 BC) The promise of Christ’s rejection (stone) Gen 49:24 (1685 BC) The promise to Israel to enter Canaan Gen 50:24 (1632 BC)

1,684 years later, Christ was born Lk 2:7,11 (1 BC) 1717 years later, Christ was rejected Mt 21:42,44 (AD 32) 185 years later, Israel entered Canaan Josh 3:17 & 4:1 (1447 BC)

NOTES OF INTEREST IN GENESIS GENESIS is quoted in the NT 27 times. 10 of those 27 quotes refer directly to CHRIST .

1. Gen 1:27 Mt 19:4 2. Gen 1:27 Mk 10:6 3. Gen 2:2 Heb 4:4 4. Gen 2:7 I Cor 15:45 5. Gen 2:24 Mt 19:5 6. Gen 2:24 Mk 10:7,8 7. Gen 2:24 I Cor 6:16 8. Gen 2:24 Eph 5:31 9. Gen 12:1 Acts 7:3 10. Gen 12:3 Gal 3:8 11. Gen 12:3 Acts 3:25 12. Gen 13:15 Gal 3:16 13. Gen 17:7,8 Gal 3:16 14. Gen 28:13 Gal 3:16

15. Gen 35:12 Gal 3:16

16. Gen 15:5 17. Gen 15:6 18. Gen 15:6 19. Gen 15:6

Rom 4:18 Rom 4:3 Gal 3:6 Jms 2:23

20. Gen 15:13,14 Acts 7:6,7

21. Gen 17:5

Rom 4:17

22. Gen 18:10 Rom 9:9 23. Gen 21:10 Gal 4:30 24. Gen 21:12 Rom 9:7 25. Gen 21:12 Heb 11:18 26. Gen 22:16,17 Heb 6:14 27. Gen 25:23 Rom 9:12


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