The Strand Study Bible




come from the human seed of David. He would also reign “forever” over His own Kingdom (Mic 4:7, Isa 24:23 & 52:7, Psa 67:1-4 & 96:10-13 & 146:10, Isa 11:1-5, Exo 15:18 and Ezk 43:1-2,7). It is interesting to note that those who recognized Jesus as the promised OT MESSIAH from the human seed of David also worshipped Him as God (Mt 21:4-14). Those who rejected His claim to Deity refused to worship Him as God (Mt 21:15). According to Acts 2:30 & 13:22-23, Romans 1:1-3 and Revelation 22:16, Jesus fulfilled the person of the promised OT MESSIAH to perfection. According to Micah 5:2 (John 12:34), the promised OT MESSIAH would be born in Bethlehem and be known as the ETERNAL ONE (the ONE “ whose goings forth have been from old, from everlasting ”) (Isa 9:6 & 41:4 & 44:6 and Rev 1:8,11,17). It is interesting to note that those who recognized Jesus as the promised Bethlehem-born OT MESSIAH also worshipped Him as God (Mt 2:1-11). Those who rejected His claim to Deity refused to worship Him as God (Jn 7:4-44). According to Matthew 2:1-6, Jesus fulfilled the person of the promised OT MESSIAH to perfection. According to Zephaniah 3:15 (Jn 1:49, Isa 44:6 and Jere 23:5-6), the promised OT MESSIAH would be the KING OF ISRAEL , Jehovah Himself in the flesh. As King, He will “ break the heathen with a rod of iron ,” a term attributed only to God - Psa 2:6-12, Num 24:17-19, Psa 45:6 (Heb 1:8) & 96:13 & 98:9 & 110:1-2 and Ezk 19:14. It is interesting to note that those who recognized Jesus as the promised OT MESSIAH ( KING OF ISRAEL ) also worshipped Him as God (Mt 2:1-2 & 20:20-21). Those who rejected His claim to Deity refused to worship Him as God (Mk 15:1-22). According to Revelation 2:27 & 12:5 & 19:15 and Acts 2:32-36, Jesus fulfilled the person of the promised OT MESSIAH to perfection. 3. Whereas Mohammed claimed to be only a prophet, the Jewish Scriptures claim Jesus to be THE PROPHET According to Deuteronomy 18:15-19 (Acts 3:20-24 and John 1:19-23), the Jewish Scriptures claim Jesus to be That Prophet. John the Baptist admitted in John 1:19-23 that he was not THAT PROPHET , (the promised OT MESSIAH ) but that THAT PROPHET would be the LORD (JEHOVAH Himself in the flesh). It is interesting to note that those who recognized Jesus as the promised OTMESSIAH ( THATPROPHET ) also worshipped Him as God (Jn 7:37-40). Those who rejected His claim to Deity refused to worship Him as God (Jn 7:41-53). According to John 1:21-30 and Acts 3:20-26 & 7:37, Jesus fulfilled the person of the promised OT MESSIAH to perfection. 4. Whereas Mohammed claimed to be but flesh, the Jewish Scriptures claim Jesus to be GOD IN FLESH According to Psalm 8:1-2 (Mt 21:15-16), Isaiah 40:3 (Mt 3:3), Numbers 21:5-6 (I Cor 10:9), Isaiah 60:1 (Eph 5:14), Psalm 68:17-19 (Eph 4:8), Jeremiah 23:5-6 (Rev 19:11-16) and Isaiah 44:24 (Colo 1:16-17), the promised OT MESSIAH would be JEHOVAH Himself in the flesh. According to Isaiah 45:21-23 (Rom 14:9-12), Psalm 45:6-7 (Heb 1:8-9) & 82:8 (Rev 19:11-16), Exodus 15:18 (Rev 11:15-18) and Genesis 1:26 (Heb 1:2-3 & 2:10), the promised OT MESSIAH would also be ELOHIM Himself in the flesh. According to Psalm 102:24-27 (Heb 1:8-12), Isaiah 7:14 (Mt 1:23) and Isaiah 9:6 (Rev 1:8), the promised OT MESSIAH would also be EL Himself in the flesh. It is interesting to note that those who recognized Jesus as the promised OT MESSIAH ( JEHOVAH , ELOHIM , EL in the flesh) also worshipped Him as God (Jn 4:25-29 & 20:24-28,31). Those who rejected His claim to Deity refused to worship Him as God (Jn 5:17-18 & 8:24,56-59 and Exo 3:1-14 & 18:1-12). According to Matthew 21:16 and Hebrews 1:8-12, Jesus fulfilled the person of the promised OT MESSIAH to perfection.] 5. Whereas Mohammed despised blind people (Sura 80:1-10), Jesus opened their eyes (Mt 9:27-30) 6. Whereas Mohammed drove the poor away (Sura 6:52), Jesus had compassion on them (Mt 14:14-20) 7. Whereas Mohammed sanctioned the despicable treatment of women (Sura 4:34) and that a man might beat his wife in order to control her (Sura 4:34), Jesus taught husbands to love their wives unconditionally (Eph 5:28-33) and to honor them according to their original design (I Pet 3:7) 8. Whereas Islam sanctions lying, Jesus taught that lying is sin (Colo 3:9) Imam Abu Hammid Ghazali (AD 1058-1111), one of Islam’s greatest theologians, said: 9. Whereas Mohammed married a divorced woman (Sura 33:37-38), Jesus condemned divorce and adultery (Mt 19:1-8) 10. Whereas Mohammed taught cruel and unusual punishment, including torture (Sura 8:12-14), and that people who steal should have their hand cut off (Sura 5:38), Jesus taught that bodily damage is never made to compensate for property damage (Exo 22:1) 11. Whereas Mohammed traded insult for insult (Sura 111:1-5) and sanctioned revenge (Sura 2:194) ordering the killing of anyone who disrespected him (Sura 4:17-18), Jesus called for forgiveness (Sura 19:21 and Lk 23:34) a nd prayed for those who scorned him (Mt 5:44, Lk 23:33-34 and I Pet 2:23) 12. Whereas Mohammed taught his followers to “pick up” their swords and to kill any one (Jews and Pagans) who refused to become Muslim (Sura 9:5 & 5:33), Jesus taught his followers to “put up” their swords and let people decide for themselves whether they want to be a Christian or not (Jn 18:10-11 and Rom 10:13) John Hagee in Jerusalem Countdown notes: Islam not only condones violence; it commands it. A tree is known by its fruit! The fruit of Islam is fourteen Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it. When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not telling the truth, it is permissible if attaining the goal is permissible. Know that a lie is not wrong in itself. If a lie is the only way of obtaining a good result, it is permissible. We must lie when truth leads to unpleasant results. 4

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