The Strand Study Bible
Church are to have with one another. Solomon (c. 970 BC) Ecclesiastes 3:17 & 11:9 & 12:7,14 ( GOD shall judge the righteous and the wicked ) (Jn 5:22,27 and Rev 20:11-15) Elijah (892 BC) II Kings 1:3-17 ( But the ANGEL OF THE LORD ) / Exo 3:2 & Jn 8:58 & Mal 4:5 & Mt 11:14 Isaiah & Hezekiah (701 BC) II Kings 19:35 (... that the ANGEL OF THE LORD ) (Isa 37:36, II Chro 32:21 and Exo 3:2) Joel (c. 865 BC) Joel 1:15 & 2:1-2,10-11,20,30-32 & 3:1,2,9-17,21 (... whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD ) (Rom 10:13 and Rev 19:11-21) Jonah (c. 780 BC) Jonah 1:17 ( And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights ) (Mt 12:38-41 and 27:63) Amos (c. 765 BC) Amos 1:2 & 5:18,20 ( The LORD will roar from Zion ) (Rev 19:11-21) Hosea (c. 765 BC) Hosea 6:3 & 10:12 & 11:1,10-11 & 12:3-4 (... and called my SON out of Egypt ) (Mt 2:15,21 and Rev 19:11-21 & 20:4,6) Isaiah (c. 732 BC) Isaiah 2:2-4,10-21 & 4:2-6 & 7:14 & 8:14,18 & 9:1-2,6-7 & 11:1-16 & 12:1-6 & 13:4,6-16 & 14:4-11, 19-23 & 16:5 & 19:20 & 21:9 & 22:22-25 & 24:1-14,17-23 & 25:3-12 & 26:1-3,9,11-12,15,20-21 & 27:1 & 28:16 & 30:25,26 & 32:1 & 34:2-15 & 35:4 & 40:5,10,11 & 42:1-4,6,7,13-17 & 45:23-25 & 49: 6-13 & 50:4-7 & 52:7, 13-15 & 53:1-12 & 54:5 & 55:3,4 & 59:16-20 & 61:1-2 & 62:11 & 63:1-6 & 66:7-8,15-17 (... and bear a SON and shall call his name IMMANU - EL ) (Mt 1:23) Nah 1:15 ( Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth GOOD TIDINGS ) (Rom 10:15) Zephaniah (c. 628 BC) Zephaniah 1:7-10,14-15,18 & 2:2-3,11 & 3:8,15-17 (... for the DAY OF THE LORD is at hand ) (Rev 19:11-21) Jeremiah (627 - 561 BC) Jeremiah 3:17,19 & 23:5-6 & 25:30-38 & 30:5-9,11,21 & 31:22 & 33:15-18,22 & 46:28 ( A woman shall compass a MAN ) (Gen 3:15, Isa 7:14, Mic 5:3, Mt 1:16,18,23, Lk 2:7,11 and Gal 3:16 & 4:4) Habakkuk (c. 607 BC) Habakkuk 1:5 & 2:14 (... for I will work a WORK in your days ) (Acts 13:37-41 and Rev 20:4,6) Daniel (604-534 BC) Daniel 2:34-35,44-45 & 4:3,34 & 6:22,26 & 7:10,13-14,25,27 & 9:24-27 & 11:36-37 & 12:1,3,7,11 (... unto the MESSIAH the PRINCE ) Psa 2:2 & 110:1-4 & Jn 1:41 & 4:25 King Nebu- chadnezzar (c. 587 BC) Daniel 3:24-28 (... is like the SON OF GOD ) (Isa 7:14 & 9:6 and Jn 1:49) Ezekiel (592-570 BC) Ezekiel 17:22-24 & 21:27 & 30:3 & 34:23-24,29 & 37:22,24-25,27 & 39:2-22 & 43:7 ( I will also take of the highest BRANCH ) (Isa 4:2 & 11:1, Jere 33:15, Zech 3:8 & 6:12 and Jn 10:10) Obadiah (c. 585 BC) Obadiah 15-16,21 ( For the DAY OF THE LORD is near ) (Rev 19:11-21 & 20:4,6) Joshua & Zerubbabel (536 BC) Ezra 3:2 (... and builded the altar of the God of Israel, to offer BURNT OFFERINGS - Heb 10:5-14 ) (Gen 8:20 & 22:8, Exo 12, Lev 1 and Jn 1:29) Haggai (520 BC) Haggai 2:6,7,9,21-23 ( I will shake the heavens, and the earth ) (Heb 12:26 and Rev 19:11-21 & 20:4,6 Zechariah (520 -518 BC) Zechariah 2:8-11 & 3:8-9 & 6:12-13,15 & 9:9-10 & 10:4 & 11:12-13 & 12:3-14 & 13:1-9 & 14:1,3-21 (... behold, thy KING cometh unto thee ) (Mt 21:5) Ezra (458 BC) Ezra 8:35 (... offered BURNT OFFERINGS - Heb 10:5-14 ) (Gen 8:20 & 22:8, Exo 12, Lev 1 and Jn 1:29) Nehemiah (444 BC) Nehemiah 10:33 (... and for the continual BURNT OFFERING - Heb 10:5-14 ) (Gen 8:20 & 22:8, Exo 12, Lev 1 and Jn 1:29) Malachi (c. 425 BC) Malachi 1:11 & 3:1-5 & 4:1-3,5-6 (... I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the LORD ...shall suddenly come ) (Mt 11:10 and Rev 19:11-21 & 20:4,6) Post-Jewish MESSIANIC movement (AD 33 - 2014) (Jewish/Gentile Church): (See - Gal 3:1-3 ) 15:1 How do we know that the term “ LORD ” here is referring to GOD THE FATHER and not GOD THE SON ? GOD reminded Abraham in verse 7: I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees , to give thee this land to inherit it. 15:2 This word ( Lord ) is the Hebrew word “ Adonai .” Adonai occurs about 290 times in the Old Testament. This is the very first time Adonai is used in the Scriptures ( Gen 1:1 b ). The name means “ The Divine Ruler ; The Sovereign Lord ” and is used in reference to the: FATHER ( Gen 15:2, Psa 2:2,4, Isa 48:16, Jere 2:19 and Ezk 2:1-4); SON ( Gen 18:3 and Psa 68:17-19/Eph 4:7-11 & Psa 110:5/Mt 22:41-46 ); and SPIRIT (Ezk 3:22-27 and Isa 61:1/Lk 4:18-19). 1 Ryrie, Charles C. The Ryrie Study Bible , Chicago, ILL, Moody Press, 1978. Print. 2 Towns, Elmer. Tithing is Christian , Lynchburg, VA, Church Growth Institute, 1985. Print. 3 Michael Wise, Martin Abegg Jr. & Edward Cook. Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation , translated and with commentary [Harper SanFrancisco 1996], 130. The coming Of Melchizedek , Print. 4 Mears, Henrietta C. What the Bible Is All About , Glendale, CA, Regal Books, 1953. Print. Isaiah & Hezekiah (701 BC) Isa 37:36 ( Then the ANGEL OF THE LORD ) (II Kings 19:35, II Chro 32:21 and Exo 3:2) Micah 2:13 & 4:1-8,12-13 & 5:2-6 ( But thou Bethlehem...out of thee shall HE come forth ) (Mt 2:6) Micah Nahum (c. 747 BC) (c. 628 BC)
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