The Storm

ever come out here for years and I just moved in. I built some secure rooms, but the flood even leaked into those areas. I have a lot of weapons to clean and the electronics on the lower levels are shot." Henry spoke up about seeing the guns under water as we came up the walkway: “I noticed that you have a fairly large cache of weapons, Gunny.” “Yeah, the storm surge hit so fast and hard I didn’t get them out in time. The salt water won’t help, so that’s the order of the day, to clean weapons. I have more vaults upstairs, but I had to rescue the lower-level weapons when the storm hit. I loaded them up in my zodiac inflatable and headed to the shore with what I could load-up. I ripped the zodiac open on a submerged cyprus log but was able to run it up on the riverbank. I saved the weapons but lost the boat. I swam back to the compound to ride out the storm.” I finally got the courage to speak up. “Gunny, do you have another way out of here?” “Yeah, Kid," Gunny answered. "I have a fast boat with a fuel-injected, big-block Chevy that'll cut through anything. I noticed when Gunny talked about it, it just made him smile. He continued, “It’s docked down below under wraps. Let’s go upstairs, boys, there’s something I want you to see.”


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