The Storm

Chapter Eighteen

The Truth About Henry

H enry chimed in, “Well Gunny, what are you doing out here?” Gunny responded with a laugh, and then a serious tone. “Same thing as you Henry, hidin' out from old friends.” It was obvious that the word "friends" had a dual meaning, which I wasn’t privy to and didn’t want to ask after Gunny had mentioned the “kill” thing. It was also clear to me, that these two men had quite a history. Gunny Sanders lowered his weapon after the cheerful banter and asked about me. “Who’s the kid, Henry? He told me some crazy story about being a reporter or something. He sure isn’t from around here, from the looks of 'im.” Henry explained, “This is Zach. He’s a r eporter from Brooklyn checking out the storm, and he asked me to guide him around these parts.” Gunny bristled and launched out with a barrage of expletives: “You gotta be kiddin' me, Henry! You brought a snoopy kid reporter out to these parts, where folk s don’t wanna be found, and I’m one of 'em?!” Gunny was irate and shook his weapon at us both. “You gotta be kiddin' me!” Gunny said a second time, with a little more gusto. “Do you know what they'll do to us if they find us here, Henry? They’ll kill us bo th, and you bring a reporter out here? I’ve had no problems with anyone out here. The locals don’t mess with me, 'cause I'm as mean as they are. And NOW! Who knows what will happen?"


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