The Storm
being perplexed. I blurted out my task at hand like machine gun fire, “I can’t get my mind off of that building that we saw. It’s been gnawing on me, and I got permission from my boss to go back and investigate it for the paper, Henry. I have to go back. I have to go back today!” “You want to go back for an old, dilapidated building in the middle of a swamp? You gotta be kiddin' me!” said Henry with a frustrated response. “Well, I’m here and went through a lot of trouble to do so. This is on my nickel, Henry, and I’ll pay you four hundred dollars to get me there and back with a story and pictures. One day, Henry. There and back. That’s it!” “Keep your money, Kid. I’ll take you in one more time, but that’s it. No more trips up there again. It’s too dangerous. And I heard that we're goin' to get hit again with another storm surge. Grab your gear and I’ll finish my breakfast, and let’s get on with it. You know where the boat is. Just toss your stuff in and I’ll be out directly," Henry said as he returned to the kitchen, muttering something else under his b reath. I didn’t even want to know what it was.
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