The Storm
Pointing to the picture I said, “Except this, Henry. It looks like a compound of some sort with raised pillars on what appears to be a raised section of land in the middle of that muddy flood lake. It looks pretty old, but most stuff around here does too." “Thanks, Boy” Henry chimed in. But he knew it was true. “We’ll never know, Son. At least I won’t. That current pushed us pretty fast and far, and way farther in than I care to ever go again.” I continued to scan the pictures and zoom in for a closer look at the oddity. “I gotta find out what this is, Henry. I just have to know,” I said. “Not today, Son, or tomorrow. You’re runnin' out of time. Take what you have back with you and write your story. You have enough to do a write- up, don’t you?” Henry asked. “Yeah. But this is for me. I just have to know for me!” I said. Henry chided me with, “Curiosity killed the cat! And you don’t have nine lives, Zach”. “I suppose you’re right, Henry, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be back this way," I responded. “That’s why you have to forget about it, Zach. So let it go, Son.” Wisdom speaks through the mouths of the experienced. “You’re right, Henry. I’ll drop it,” I said. And with that the evening continued, but my mind was still on the pictures of the strange building.
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