The Storm

Chapter Nine

The Return

“ S on, we have to head back. The sun is gonna set and we don’t wanna motor upstream in the dark. Get your last pictures and let’s get out of here pronto,” Henry said. I quickly scanned the horizon with my camera on fast frame and pressed the shutter button. Hearing the familiar click and whir of the auto winder, I took about 20 more quick shots. Henry asked, “You finished, Zach?” “Yep, Let’s go,” I replied. Henry throttled up the motor and headed to the mouth of the river. “This will be slow going, Zach, but we have to motor against the debris coming downstream. This old motor can get past the junk, but we sure don’t want to hit anything comin' at us,” Henry said. “I agree, Henry!” And with that we started the long trek home. We broke away from the marshland and headed into the flood channel and around the narrow isthmus that directed the flood water into the lake. Henry knew the exact channel to take on the return trip, after having experienced the dangerous torrent on our way in. Henry spoke up: “This will be a lo ng way around, but we won’t have to face the inland flood water pushing us this time.” It took hours on the trip back. We were headed against the current and the old boat motor strained against the oncoming flood waters. I looked up and I could see huge storm clouds building as the sun started its path downward to the


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