The Storm
trying to reclaim their ground. It stood there as a mute reminder, that long after we’re gone, planet Earth will just go back to its old self, covering up our so-called modern progress without the burden of us on its back. A mile or so later I came across some old, rusted farm implements and equipment of various sorts, laying useless alongside the road, as reminders of better days in Ruby. "Who would live out here anyway?" I thought, as I pondered the life and times of its past settlers and inhabitants. I rounded a curve in the road, and I could not believe my eyes. It was like a movie set, or maybe I had gone through a time warp. Hollywood could not have built it better! ...the dirt road, the overhanging Cyprus trees, and the silver-gray wood siding on the posted front porches of every little building in town. The darkening skies and the rain drizzle set the tone for this place. I was in a Twilight Zone episode and some huge dude with overalls and a Jason mask was going to jump out and get me with a sickle or a hammer or something. I was getting more concerned every moment. The only modern thing at all that stood out was the Shell gas sign and a Coke machine on the first building on my left. Old, rusted-out pick-up trucks and car parts were strewn everywhere and backed up onto the sides of buildings. I could see straight down the street and every building blended into the scene. There was only one car that I could see parked down the street. It appeared like an old Crown Victoria Ford sedan, and it wasn’t in good shape. A loud voice came out of nowhere, “CAN I HELP YOU?” I almost jumped out of my skin! To my amazement, I had come to a complete stop, just gawking at the scene. I spun my head
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