The Storm

situation, call it in, but don’t give out your name or what you are doing. Just give the Intel, and briefly. Do not tie up the channel, as there are a lot of emergency communications going on. No one will take kindly to a civilian tying up the channel with cross-talk or needless conversation." "Don’t ask for directions on this radio. Use GPS if available and talk to the locals. They are a proud and suspicious people up there and they won’t trust strangers and especially reporters. They don’t want to be a sideshow. Most have lost everything, including loved ones. Be smart. Just be honest and show some real concern. They’ll give you the shirt off of the ir backs if they think you're there to help." "And don’t be stupid and go through any water. I don’t want to have to send you home in a body bag. I’ve already seen enough of that in my day. Bring yourself and my radio back safe. Leave the rental. I’ll get it back to the lot for you. Take the jeep. It has high-power lights and sits high enough to be safe. Extra gas is mounted on the tailgate. Keep your radio on and charged and go by the water station for bottled water. Don’t run out and don’t drink any wate r from even city municipal supplies. Everything is contaminated. Even the ice, if you can find it. Don’t eat anything cooked in local water either. Don’t wreck the jeep. It’s government property and I’m doing you a favor. Don’t abuse the privilege." "Oh yes. Once you get off Highway 19 you are on your own, Son, and this isn’t Brooklyn. If I have to extract, you by chopper you’ll probably be dead by the time I get to you. There are no delis or Italian restaurants out there, and there are things out there that would just as soon eat you as look at you. Gators

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