The Storm

The descent into Brooklyn airspace awakened me from my sleep. I looked out the window and the expanse of the city surprised me. It seemed as if I were seeing it for the first time. "Wow," I thought. "What a mass of humanity." After getting off the airliner and leaving the terminal, I found my parked car at the airport garage and headed to my place. It was going to be nice to sleep in my own bed and be in familiar surroundings again. I was still groggy from the flight. I got parked and headed to my place, dragging my luggage behind me. I had a list of things to do and would follow them to the letter: take a hot shower, transfer pictures to my computer, unpack and throw laundry in the hamper, call Delores and my Mom, and concentrate on my news story, such as it is. I finished all my tasks and saved the best for last. "Oh yes, call Delores!" The phone rang, and that voice! “Hi Zach,” Delores answered. My heart melted. “I’m home, Baby!” I was finally talking to the sweetest thing on God’s green Earth. “I was so worried, Zach." Delores sounded worri ed, and a little upset. “I knew that you would not have cell service, but I was hoping you would at least call me from the airport before departure.” In my rush to get onboard I had completely forgotten to call her. Another failure. Just what Gunny was talking about. Self absorbed and too busy to be considerate. I apologized to a point of embarrassment. “I forgive you, Zach. I was just worried.” After a few more “I’m sorry’s” I explained my itinerary. “Sweetie, I'm going to see Mr. Fessmyer tomorrow and give him the scoop on this second trip, about that compound and the storm report. I’ll try

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