The Storm

"Pandemonium broke out. 'Head shot!' Gunny quietly spoke, 'Target neutralized.' Then Reese said, 'Confirmed!' I could see from the carnage, that this guy would not be givin' out any more orders. 'Confirmed. Now pack up, guys, and let’s leave this party!' I motioned to the team to move out fast and low, and we moved out as Gunny slammed his rifle into its cover and Reese, already on the move, was puttin' his scope in the bag on the get-low. 'Call it in, Towers,' I said as I passed his position, 'Call it in as you move, Son. L et’s go! NOW!'" Henry continued, "We all headed back through the jungle as quickly as possible as we retraced our steps that we knew were safe. We all knew, that It was only a matter of time 'til they'd discover the direction the shot came from, and the search for us would begin. My focus was gettin' the team safely back to our extraction point. The moon, now partially covered by clouds, made our rapid escape a little more difficult, but we were makin' good time back to the rendezvous point. We moved through that jungle like wolves, with adrenaline pumpin' through us all. Reese had been a wide receiver in his college days, and he was sure showin' his moves that night. We went through that jungle like water through a pipe, only briefly stoppin' to catch our breath." "As we boogied through the jungle, I told Towers to get confirmation as soon as possible, that they had received our message that we were head'in back. I remembered the words of the pilot: 'Just be there, Captain. Just be there.' And I was sure tryin'. 'Confirmation, Captain!' Towers hollered out. 'They will pick us up at original location, and we are to confirm our location when we are a mile from the zone!' 'Good work, Towers,' I yelled back, 'keep movin'!' 'Yes Sir, Cap!' And we ran

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