The Storm


"And with us standing at attention, he snapped a salute, then spun around on the heels of his well-polished shoes, and headed out the door, with us following him like goslings following a mother goose. It was still dark and there were three Huey helicopters waiting for us on the tarmac. The blades of the choppers were spinnin' rapidly, creating a vortex wind effect from off the concrete runway. 'GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND YOUR MEN, CAPTAIN FORESTER!', the Commander yelled out over the noise of the jet engines of the three military workhorses. 'THANK YOU, SIR!', I yelled back over the noise of the spinnin' blades, and then tossed my gear on the floor of the chopper and took a seat." "I scanned my men as they settled in. They all looked sharp, and I could tell that they were ready. All the training was behind them now, and they were ready to do what they had been trained to do for their whole service career up to this moment. My group strapped into their sears, donned their headsets, and the pilots throttled up the jet engine. We lifted off the tarmac, the force of the lift-off pushin' us down into our seats. Finally, I thought to myself that I was as excited as my men to get onto our mission and get it accomplished. The voice of the pilot crackled over the headset, 'Good to have you onboard, Captain. I’ll be your ride into this hell hole and pick you up on the flip side. Just be there at the rendezvous point. Be there, Captain, just be there.' 'That’s the plan, Son, ' I responded, 'I don’t wanna be there any longer than I have to. Just have this bird ready when we radio.' 'Yes sir, Captain. That’s MY plan as well! Good luck, Sir.' I responded with a

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