The Storm
you will more than likely die in Vietnam and be hung up on some pole in a communist village for everyone to mock, including the chickens. Is that understood Captain?' 'Yes Sir,' I replied. The Major went on: 'Any questions about this assignment, Captain Forester?' 'No Sir,' I replied. 'Good,' came the response." "Then the Major handed me a large, sealed manila envelope. 'These are your orders. Read and study them carefully. Have your men packed and ready. You fly out of here on an unmarked, black C-130 at 01200. There will be a CIA operative waiting for you at the ramp by the aircraft. He will instruct you on the departure details and will fly with you and your men to your next destination and, upon landing, he will hand you over to another operative. He will get you connected to your insertion aircraft team.'" "The Major continued, 'Everything you need to know for this leg of your journey is in this envelope. Study it well. Good luck, and you are dismissed.' With a salute and a 'Thank you, Sir,' I spun around and headed for the door. The Major spoke up and said, 'No honor guard or body bags and flag draped coffins on this trip, Captain. Just come back alive and in one piece, both you and your men, and may God and good luck be with you all!' 'Yes Sir, and thank you, Sir,' I replied, and left his office to retire to my barracks." “Well, Zach, what do you think?” Henry asked. “Wow! That was intense,” I replied. And then Gunny spoke up: “I wish that the good Captain Henry Forester would'ove informed us about the Disney vacation we'd be embarkin' on, so I could'ove stayed home moppin' the barracks floor and cleanin' the
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