The Storm
Chapter Twenty-Two
Captain Bledsoe
G unny continued further: "A tall, slim man stepped to the podium and addressed us: 'Gentlemen, I am Captain Bledsoe, and we will get down to brass tacks. Captain Sorrells, please step forward and sit on the front row to my far left. Captain Gentry, step forward and sit on the front middle row to my left. Captain Forester, please step forward and sit on the front row to my far right.'" Gunny spoke up and said that that was the first time he attempted to size up Captain Henry Forester as he walked to the front of the room. I blurted out “Henry! You led a combat group?” Henry smiled and spoke up, “Yeah, Kid, I did.” I responded with “Is that how you met Gunny just sneered and continued: “It was at this time that the room was separated into the three groups of ten. We shuffled bodies like cards as Captain Bledsoe called out the names of the men that would be serving under their particular captains that would be leading the individual groups. Henry, tell Zach what went on next. I’m tired of talkin'.” Henry continued with the account: “We ll, there were psyche evaluations all that week for myself and those under my command, including Gunny here.” “What did they find out about you, Henry?” I blurted out, half joking. Henry replied, Gunny?” “Yep, that’s where I met Gunny. He was under my first command. He was way better looking than now.”
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