The Storm
personnel outside of your group, including myself. Your future with the Navy Seals will be in jeopardy and you will not like your next detail. I assume that you want to be here. Is that correct gentlemen?' 'Yes Sir,' was the answer that came back in unison." "The Major went on to say, 'I assume that you are Navy Seals. Is that correct?' 'Yes Sir!' Once again, a unanimous response. 'Very well, then. You shall be tested as to your ability and training,' the Major continued. 'You men have been hand picked by your company commanders as having the discipline and skills to complete assignments. It will not only be your brawn but your brains that will be tested. Your ability to improvise and to think on your feet in the face of danger is imperative. You are to complete missions without question and complete your mission with utmost accuracy and willpower. There are thirty of you, and henceforth, you as a group will be called by the name The Dirty Thirty , because the job will be taxing and dirty.'" "'War is not clean and this is not a clean business that you are embarking on, and it will wear on you and take its toll. You will be required to stay on mission and follow explicit orders until each mission is accomplished. You will pursue your objectives as a bloodhound on point, and I expect winning and no whining. You are the best. You are Navy Seals. You will be tested to the extreme limits of your resolve, and if you fail in your task to stay the course, you will be relieved of that duty and shipped state-side to be pushing papers in some dreary basement office, getting fat and bored to tears. In the worst-case scenario, you will have permanent lodging in the military “retirement center” (which meant the military prison) at Fort
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