The Storm

relief of wheels down on the runway and the brakes bein' applied were reassuring, and my attention now turned to what was next. With the noise of the hydraulics the massive back loading ramp of the C-130 opened up and flooded the cargo compartment with sunlight." "We all squinted our eyes to adjust to the light, and a lone figure walked up the ramp and exclaimed, 'Welcome to Germany, gentlemen. I am Commander Jessop. Get your gear and follow me.' Of the 20 men that came on board, 19 stepped off the plane together, and it became obvious that the 20th man was a watchdog to make sure that we didn’t ask too many questions. The Commander continued, 'Get a good breakfast and some rest over at building 17 on the ground floor. You’ll see the mess hall sign well enough. Work out, sleep, or whatever you want. Barracks 27 down the tarmac is your home for this operation. You will be briefed tomorrow morning after breakfa st. Don’t wander off too far and do not pass over into restricted areas. Do this and you’ll be fine. I’ll see you in the morning. Dismissed!'" Gunny continued, "O-dark-30. Still dark and the lights snapped on. 'Good morning Ladies!' a rough voice yelled out. 'The world is sleeping, but this is the REAL world, gentlemen, and you are lucky to be a part of it. Rise and shine and seize the day. You will be briefed on your mission in 20 minutes in the building next door. Be there!' The huge, chiseled, brute of a man turned on his toes with a fast spin and disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. We scrambled to get ready. Bunks made, gear packed, showered and dressed. We were trained to make things happen and we were dressed and headin' out the door in 15 minutes and lookin' sharp."

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