The Storm

two on the team knew who they were. No one knew of our location or our mission, but a select few in Langley that were connected with the CIA and the White House. The President did not even know of our missions or our locations, as to have plausible deniability in case we were discovered in country. No one knew of our operations or the fact of our existence. Henry and I both first received our orders by the Seal Commander in Coronado to fly out of San Diego with a few other plain-clothed Seals and catch a civilian night flight. We were then told to take individual taxis to Great Lakes Naval Base. The only thing we knew was to not communicate with each other on the flight, and to catch a taxi to the base where we would be met by other operatives when we got there. That was it. Ten of us were on the flight. I could tell, and anyone else could have figured it out. The haircuts you know. Good old Uncle Sam haircuts, not to mention the looks of our well chiseled bodies and our serious countenances. No mystery there. We all stood out, and so we sat there not havin' a clue what and where we were goin'. Vietnam crossed my mind, as it was heating up, but there were other hot spots as well. Got anything to add Henry?” “Keep on, I’m good,” Henry answered. Gunny continued, “Well, we landed, got our gear and taxis, and headed to the base. It was still night when we got there and went through security and headed for a large command post building. I could see a C-130 transport aircraft on the tarmac with the engines running, and another group standin' outside like shadows in the dark. The landing lights reflectin' off of the group and the roar of the spinnin' propellers gave a surreal atmosphere to the whole scene. I asked Henry if

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