The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Table of Contents
Introduction .................... ......................................... .9 God is not going to let the world go quietly into the night of
eternity. He is going to shake things up until cities and nations
seek an unshakable life, which can only be found in Jesus
Christ. Contrary to pessimistic preaching, the church’s most
fruitful days lie ahead. For those who will prepare and believe
in what God is ready to, the best is yet to come.
Part One: The Promise and the Call .. ................... 23 Why am I writing this book? Because it is the message God has
given me to share with His church. As the Jesus Movement was
coming to an end, some 40 years ago, the Lord gave me a
promise that I would see yet an even greater move of His Spirit
— and that I would help prepare God’s people for it. The Lord
gave me this message of preparation for the church to draw
whole cities and nations into the Kingdom of God.
Chapter 1: The Building of the Second Ark .......25 God gave me a promise of seeing a greater move of His Spirit
than I had yet seen. A decade later He gave me two
assignments on how to get God’s people ready for the
promised greater move. The first assignment was to build an
ark . I did not understand what He meant then. Now I do. God
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