The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Does this mean that all nations will convert and turn to the Lord

as they view the amazing solutions, wisdom, and justice that

will come through His renewed people? No. There will be those

who refuse to give up their sin and self-serving hearts. Satan

will always fight back.

But even the enemies of the church will be shaken by the

blessed social and cultural transformations that the amazing

goodness of God that will display, through answers and

solutions dispensed through His renewed people.

Let me end this chapter with a quote from Pastor Johnson’s

book The Resting Place :

We have been quick to speak about the “great falling away, ” but not the great harvest and city transformation that is also a part of the end-time prophecy. A day is coming when there will exist a righteous peer pressure, not based on punishment or the fear of man but from His manifested presence: His glory. 6

I a gree, goodness will have its day when God’s people , led by

God-favored leaders in every sphere of life, will blaze forth with

unimaginable light for all to see.

6 Bill Johnson, The Resting Place , Destiny Image Publishers, Inc. Shippensburg, PA, 2019, pg.166.

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