The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
This book is a foundational study in the coming great shaking
of nations, a preparation for the greatest harvest of souls into
the Kingdom of God before Jesus Christ returns. It has taken
me years to revise my first edition of the book, because God
has continually allowed me to participate in the ever-growing
harvest movement.
God has actually given me a city in which to build my first city
wide Ark, a concept you will come to understand in the following
pages. He also has given me a wonderful college in which to
develop a school of the prophets, that many voices may be
raised up to prepare His people for His coming mighty move. In
all this I am both blessed and excited!
I hope to be able to write a sequel, The Shaking in Progress, to
testify how God has kept His promise to let me see His greater
move, after my early experiences in the Jesus Movement
(which I will begin to recount in Chapter One). Today the world
is going through one of the worst shakings of nations since
World War II. But with these horrendous shakings comes a
stunning opportunity to see the renewal of the church and the
salvation of millions into the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord!
Please read this book with an open mind and with the
expectancy that God wants you to join in one of the most
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