The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....
Chapter Three
Our Future is not Our Past
As I prayed over understanding my calling and how the Lord
would launch this greater harvest movement, He led me to the
book of Haggai. There, God began to give me insights into the
last great shaking of the nations that will precipitate the great
end-time spiritual harvest.
It was from the book of Haggai that I received part of the title
for this book. I began to grasp how God was going to cause
cities and nations to seek after Him. This became foundational
to my message — the truths that God wanted His church to
Let’s begin by looking at the first truth God brought to my
attention as I studied the second chapter of Haggai.
A Circumstance-controlled Life Study of Haggai 2:1-5
The background to this chapter of Haggai is that God was
restoring the Jews to their land, and He wanted them to rebuild
the temple after 70 years of captivity in Babylon. God had
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