The Shaking of Nations - A Harvest Tsunami Is On Its Way....

Study and Reflection

1. The church is a type of spiritual ark. Reflect on these

scriptures: Gen.6 and 7; 1 Peter 3:20-21, Matt. 24:37-42; 2

Peter 2:5. As the church, are we to accept that sin is

stronger than grace — dooming our cities and nations to

coming judgment? Is it not possible for the church by the

authority and grace given to it to lift cities and nations out of

judgment into Kingdom life here and now?

6. How are the last days of this age like the times Noah lived

in? Is there not a difference between Noah’s vessel of

escape and the Church as a vessel of transformation?

7. Where is your focus? Is your focus on the impossible

lostness of your home, neighborhood, city or nation? Or is

your focus on the incredible empowerment of the church to

reach every people and nation with resurrection


8. How would you begin building an ark in your neighborhood

or city?

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